ROM 2.15

Description:Flash update file to update the ROM of the HP 49g+ and HP 50g to version C-2.15. Also includes updates to the equation library and periodic table library. This is the latest official supported release.
Author: Hewlett-Packard:
Downloaded file size:1,722,704 bytes
Recommended:Get it!
User rating:10/10 with 3 votes (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:PC/ROM
File date:2009-04-21 22:25:20
Source code:Not included
Download count:37,339
Version history:2009-04-21: Updated (no version number specified)
2009-03-25: Updated (no version number specified)
2009-03-15: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
        0  03-23-09 14:24   hp4950v215/
   783662  04-16-09 17:46   hp4950v215/2MB
  1294336  04-15-09 10:21   hp4950v215/4950_215.bin
    57505  02-11-09 12:22   hp4950v215/EqnData.lib
    11316  02-11-09 12:22   hp4950v215/EqnLib.lib
   213513  04-21-09 19:52   hp4950v215/hp50g ROM Upgrade.pdf
    10367  02-05-04 14:16   hp4950v215/license.txt
    28833  02-11-09 12:22   hp4950v215/prtbl.lib
       14  04-16-09 17:47   hp4950v215/update.scp
 --------                   -------
  2399546                   9 files
Library contents:hp4950v215/EqnData.lib: Library 226, EQLIB:Equation Data
hp4950v215/EqnLib.lib: Library 227, EQLIB:Equation Lib
hp4950v215/prtbl.lib: Library 229, PRTBL:Periodic Table
User comments:Diego Cosentino
2009-06-14 17:40:39
I think that I discovered a Bug.
If you try to draw Eq Diff then you can't solve any Eq Diff, says NOT HANDLED (I have reset with ON+F3+F6, Cleaned all my Calculator, puted all my flags OK and the CAS ok too)
If anyone knows how to fix this please email me
super gems
2010-01-26 04:32:52
IFTE BUG is present in this version:
fernando baron
2013-03-24 12:01:22
mi calculadora no se puede actualizar, dice que error en ingles com hago

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.