Lists all built-in bints of the HP 49 and their pointers outside the standard range BINT0 - Bint131. Almost all of them are stable pointers and can safely be used in programming as 2.5 byte objects.
This short paper compares program size and execution time for numeric mathematical functions using stack-based implementation, algebraic expressions, and local variables. The results show the code size and execution times for a sample expression coded with the different methods. The results apply to the 50g and similar models.
A tutorial in French, which explains how to write directly to the screen with assembly language (clear, scroll, sprites, grayscale, etc.). In HTML format.
This is a HP 49G listing of the addresses I found that can be used with flasheval, libeval, or syseval to access the built-in applications. With it, you can call built-in applications from within a program.
All messages (1504 total) extracted from HP 49G ROM 1.19-6. Includes both decimal and hex message numbers. Non-ASCII characters, control characters, and trailing space characters have been translated. Very long messages have been word-wrapped.
A series of articles published in the Queensland Surveyor to introduce surveyors and other related professionals to System RPL programming on the HP 48GX and HP 49.
A tutorial explaining all commands about stack manipulation on the 49. There are also examples and exercises. This is the first version of "Programando na HP 49G".
In progress version of the documentation for MASD, the assembly language and System RPL development software in the 49. Now covers the version included with the 49G+, including ARM development. In both Adobe PDF and Word format.
List of all the new Saturn+ instructions added to the Saturn emulator in the Apple-platform calculators, such as the 49g+ and 48gII, listing both the mnemonics and the opcodes for each instruction.
Complete manual of programming of graphic interfaces of the HP 48/49: use of events (message-handler), additional commands and examples with source code. It includes documentation with description of commands, header files and stack diagrams for use with Debug4x.
A PREVIEW of the Spanish edition of a book about graphic programming in Saturn assembly language. The book explores this topic like never before. It's aimed at programmers who want to expand their knowledge about this classic low-level language.
Second edition of the free on-line book "Programming in System RPL", a 640-page tutorial and reference for System RPL programmers. This second edition has many improvements and describes new features present in the HP 49G calculator. In Adobe PDF format.
Example programs from the second edition of the free on-line book "Programming in System RPL", a 640-page tutorial and reference for System RPL programmers. These examples are ready to be loaded onto your calculator.
Second edition of the free on-line book "Programming in System RPL", a 640-page tutorial and reference for System RPL programmers. This second edition has many improvements and describes new features present in the HP 49G calculator. In Adobe PostScript format.
Spanish translation of "Programming in System RPL (PDF) 2nd Edition" by Kalinowski and Dominik. It has 767 pages of tutorials and reference material for System RPL programmers. Includes both Word and PDF format documents.
The Universal Lab Interface can be used with virtually any computer that has a serial communication port. This opens the door for use with the HP 48GX and 49G calculators, both of which have a serial port.
This is a document describing how to use the HP 49G calculator for System RPL programming. It describes built-in and third-party tools that help the System RPL programmer. In PDF format.
This is a document describing how to use the HP 49G calculator for System RPL programming. It describes built-in and third-party tools that help the System RPL programmer. In PostScript format.