
What's New on hpcalc.org in 2005

See Newer Updates

December 31st, 2005 Added ROM to PC/ROM 49/50
December 29th, 2005 Updated SpeedUI to 6.2 on Utils/Interface 48
December 25th, 2005 Updated HP-GCC for Windows to 2.0 on PC/Programming 49/50
Added HP-GCC for Linux to PC/Programming 49/50
December 22nd, 2005 Updated HPlanétarium to 3.06 on Science/Astronomy 49/50 48 39/40
Added Sprite Demo to Graphics/Misc 49/50
December 17th, 2005 Updated SpeedMiner to 1.4 on Games/Board 49/50 48
Updated Symbolic Simultaneous Equation Solver to 1.02 on Math/Symbolic 49/50
Updated Emu42 to 1.05 on PC 28 Other
Updated Emu42 for PocketPC to 1.04 on PC 28 Other
Updated Emu48 to 1.40 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated Emu48 Executables to 40 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated Emu48 for Pocket PC and Windows Mobile to 1.07 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated Emu48 GCC Version to 40 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated KML 2.0 Docs to Release 11 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38 28
Updated V41 to 8.0 on PC Other
Updated V41 Source Code to 8.0 on PC Other
Updated Wombat3 on PC/Emulators 48
Updated Emu28 to 1.08 on Programming 28
Updated EPHE to 2.11 on Science/Astronomy 49/50 48
Updated HPlanétarium to 3.06-RC4 on Science/Astronomy 49/50 48 39/40
Updated SpeedUI to 6.1 on Utils/Interface 48
Added HP 11C Windows Emulator to PC Other
Added EPHE-SysRPL to Science/Astronomy 49/50
December 1st, 2005 Updated HP 48 Repair on Docs/Opening 48
Updated Loderunner (mini version) to 1.2 on Games/Adventure 48
Added ROM to PC/ROM 49/50
Added Beam49 to Science/Civil 49/50
Added RED_I to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Hardy-Cross para redes cerradas to Science/Misc 49/50
Added Label Builder to Utils/Misc 49/50 48
November 25th, 2005 Updated LNViewer to 1.1 on Apps/Editors 49/50
Updated Interpolacion (ITP49) to 1.1 on Math/Misc 49/50 48
Updated TRI49 to 1.1 on Math/Numeric 49/50
Updated Galois Field to 1.02 on Math/Symbolic 49/50
Updated J49 to 1.0.5 on PC/Emulators 49/50
Updated Debug4x HP 48/49 SDK to 2.2 Build 76 on PC/Programming 49/50 48
Updated Debug4x Source to 2.2 Build 65 on PC/Programming 49/50 48
Updated EPHE to 2.10 on Science/Astronomy 49/50 48
Updated Maquinarias to 3.1 on Science/Civil 49/50
Updated Mecanica De Materiales to 1.1 on Science/Civil 49/50
Updated HPPOW Load Flows to 1.2 on Science/Electricity 49/50
Updated VISIN (Entrada de datos en modo gráfico) to 1.1 on Utils/Misc 49/50
Added The CAS Enabler Aplet to Apps 39/40
Added Advanced User's Reference Manual to Docs/Misc 49/50
Added HP 48 Repair to Docs/Opening 48
Added Columns+ for OpenFire to Games/Misc 49/50
Added Dune for OpenFire to Games/Misc 49/50
Added SPECIAL2 to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Symbolic Simultaneous Equation Solver to Math/Symbolic 49/50
Added Allegro CX HP 49 KML and Bitmap to PC/Emulators 49/50
Added hp48gx-1024 to PC/Emulators 48
Added ROM to PC/ROM 49/50
Added Moon to Science/Astronomy 48
Added Curva di interazione to Science/Civil 49/50
Added AWG to Science/Electricity 49/50
Added PROPIEDADES AGUA & AIRE to Science/Physics 49/50
Added VaporHp to Science/Physics 49/50
Added SpeedUI to Utils/Interface 48
October 22nd, 2005 Updated TrigLib to 2.00 on Math/Misc 49/50
Updated AnaClock to 1.1 on Utils/Time 49/50
Added Real49G+mod to PC/Emulators 49/50
Added X48 Source Code to PC/Emulators 48
October 9th, 2005 Updated LOGPLOT to 1.15 on Graphics/Plotting 49/50
Updated LOGPLOT48 to 1.15 on Graphics/Plotting 48
Updated Werner's HP 48GX for Emu48 to 1.5 on PC/Emulators 48
Updated HPConnect to 0.5 on PC/Link 49/50
Updated MHcHp+ to 1.0 Beta on Science/Civil 49/50
Added PRK to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added Anova Latin Square Design to Math/Statistic 49/50
Added Werner's HP 48SX for Emu48 to PC/Emulators 48
Added RAMEMCARD to PC/Misc 48
Added HPUserEdit English Language Files to PC/Programming 49/50 48
Added Eraser to Utils/Memory 49/50
September 13th, 2005 Updated Emu48 for Pocket PC and Windows Mobile to 1.05 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Added 15C Style 49G KML Script for Emu48 to PC/Emulators 49/50
Added HP 40gs to PC 39/40
Added AnaClock to Utils/Time 49/50
September 10th, 2005 Updated LOGPLOT to 1.14 on Graphics/Plotting 49/50
Updated LOGPLOT48 to 1.14 on Graphics/Plotting 48
Updated Galois Field to 1.01 on Math/Symbolic 49/50
Updated Werner's HP 48GX for Emu48 to 1.4 on PC/Emulators 48
Updated MATRIZ DE RIGIDEZ to 1.2 on Science/Civil 49/50
Added Dungeon Master to Games/Adventure 48
Added Power 4 to Games/Board 48
Added Earth to Graphics/Animations 48
September 3rd, 2005 Updated Willy in the Mines to 1.3 on Games/Arcade 49/50
Updated CAD49 to 3.7 on Graphics/Editors 49/50
Updated LOGPLOT to 1.12 on Graphics/Plotting 49/50
Updated Numerico to 1.02 on Math/Numeric 49/50
Updated Runge Kutta to 1.04 on Math/Numeric 49/50
Updated FACTMOD to 1.08 on Math/Symbolic 49/50
Updated KERMOD to 1.03 on Math/Symbolic 49/50
Updated EMU - WinCE/PPC HP48/49 KML to 1.4 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48
Updated Emu48 to 1.38 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated Emu48 Executables to 38 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated HP4XDEV2 - User-RPL Program Development Tools to 2.1 on PC/Programming 49/50 48
Updated Banner to 1.1 on Programming/Misc 49/50
Updated USAG to 1.2 on Programming/Misc 49/50
Updated EPHE to 2.02 on Science/Astronomy 49/50 48
Updated SATCO to 3.1.1 on Science/Astronomy 49/50 48
Updated Nomenclatura to 2.0 on Science/Chemistry 49/50
Updated Forjados to 2.0 on Science/Civil 48
Updated Filer48 to 2.41 on Utils/Memory 48
Updated ClckAdjst to 2.9 on Utils/Time 49/50
Added LNViewer to Apps/Editors 49/50
Added BehHP48 to Apps/Misc 48
Added Short and Sweet Math Challenges for HP Fans to Docs/MC 48
Added SDK48 to Games/Misc 48
Added SUDOKU for the 49g+ to Games/Misc 49/50
Added LOGPLOT48 to Graphics/Plotting 48
Added Conic Section Calculator to Math/Misc 48
Added Pronosticos to Math/Misc 49/50 48
Added LeastSquares to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added Programa de Cálculo Numérico to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added Galois Field to Math/Symbolic 49/50
Added XCALC to PC Other
Added Guia de Corrosion to Science/Chemistry 49/50
Added Propiedades del agua saturada to Science/Chemistry 49/50
Added Tabla Periodica 49g+ to Science/Chemistry 49/50
Added Area de Acero to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Diseño vigas hormigón to Science/Civil 49/50
Added MATRIZ DE RIGIDEZ to Science/Civil 49/50
Added MHcHp+ to Science/Civil 49/50
Added HPPOW Load Flows to Science/Electricity 49/50
Added Redes Cuadripolares to Science/Electricity 49/50
Added Tempolourdes to Science/Electricity 49/50
Added FluidHP to Science/Misc 49/50
Added QuineHp to Science/Misc 49/50
Added SC to Utils/Memory 49/50
Added VISIN (Entrada de datos en modo gráfico) to Utils/Misc 49/50
Added Zones to Utils/Time 49/50
July 24th, 2005 Updated AJUSTE to 1.03 on Math/Numeric 49/50
Updated EQDIF to 1.03 on Math/Numeric 49/50
Updated Numerico to 1.01 on Math/Numeric 49/50
Updated KERMOD to 1.02 on Math/Symbolic 49/50
Updated zLIB to 3.5 on Utils/Interface 49/50
Updated MEN to 1.02 on Utils/Memory 49/50
Added NPV_IRR to Apps/Misc 48
Added Codebar Generator to Graphics/Misc 49/50
Added Library Creation Wizard to Programming/Libs 49/50
Added Telechavo to Science/Electricity 49/50
July 21st, 2005 Updated LOGPLOT on Graphics/Plotting 49/50
July 20th, 2005 Updated MASD Documentation on Docs/Programming 49/50
Updated CAD49 to 3.2 on Graphics/Editors 49/50
Updated LongFloat to 3.84 on Math/Numeric 49/50
Updated FACTMOD to 1.07 on Math/Symbolic 49/50
Updated Emu42 to 1.04 on PC 28 Other
Updated Emu42 for PocketPC to 1.03 on PC 28 Other
Updated HPTalx to 1.3.0 on PC/Link 48
Added LOGPLOT to Graphics/Plotting 49/50
Added Matricial OP UPM para Resistencia de Materiales to Science/Civil 48
Added Taludes (Bishop y Fellenius) to Science/Civil 48
July 16th, 2005 Updated Introduction to Saturn Assembly Language (PDF) to Third Edition on Docs/Programming 49/50 48
Updated Introduction to Saturn Assembly Language (Word) to Third Edition on Docs/Programming 49/50 48
July 14th, 2005 Updated HPtran to 2.0 on Apps/Misc 49/50
Updated Triangle Sides on Math/Misc 49/50
Updated Sectn48/49 to 2.0 SR4 on Science/Civil 49/50 48
Added Fotos to Graphics/Grayscale 49/50
Added CalcVec to Math/Misc 49/50
Added PEQUM to Math/Symbolic 49/50
Added Análisis de Estabilidad de Taludes to Science/Civil 49/50
Added EHE98 to Science/Civil 48
Added Leica Interface Program to Science/Civil 48
Added LOOPKEY to Utils/Interface 49/50
Added RUNFILER to Utils/Memory 49/50
Added VIEWMEM to Utils/Memory 49/50
July 2nd, 2005 Updated Visor de Propósito General to 2.0 on Apps/Editors 49/50
Updated Agenda to 6.0 on Apps/PIMs 49/50
Updated AmbPro to 2.0 on Utils/Interface 49/50
Updated Menú Fácil to 5.1 on Utils/Interface 49/50
Updated SDR (Sistema de Respaldo) to 2.0 on Utils/Memory 49/50
Updated SDP (Sistema de Protección) to 2.2 on Utils/Security 49/50
Added Estabilidad de Taludes to Science/Civil 49/50
June 27th, 2005 Added MCA to PC/Programming 48
Added Piano to Utils/Sound 49/50
June 26th, 2005 Updated Emu71 for DOS on PC Other
Updated Power48 for PalmOS 5.0 to 1.5.1 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48
Updated Power48 Source Code for PalmOS 5.0 to 1.5.1 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48
Added Cyclo G+ to Games/Arcade 49/50
Added Dr. Barjo G+ to Games/Arcade 49/50
Added Ice-Cube G+ to Games/Arcade 49/50
Added Puzzle Bobble G+ to Games/Misc 49/50
Added HP-GCC for Windows to PC/Programming 49/50
Added Cell Phone Synchronizer to Utils/Comms 49/50
Added CONNECT to Utils/Comms 49/50
June 25th, 2005 Updated Open Fire Image Converter to 2.5 on PC/Misc 49/50 48
Updated T9000 to 1.5 on PC/Programming 49/50
June 21st, 2005 Updated SATCO to 3.1 on Science/Astronomy 49/50 48
June 19th, 2005 Updated Metodos Probabilisticos to 3.1 on Math/Statistic 49/50
June 18th, 2005 Added CAD49 to Graphics/Editors 49/50
Added Triangle Tool to Math/Misc 49/50
Added HPMovie to PC/Misc 49/50
June 15th, 2005 Added Amplifiers with BJTs & FETs to Science/Electricity 49/50
Added Daylight to Utils/Time 48
June 14th, 2005 Updated Emacs to 2.11a on Apps/Editors 49/50
Updated EMU - WinCE/PPC HP48/49 KML to 1.3 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48
Updated Emu48 to 1.37 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated Emu48 Executables to 37 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated Emu48 for Pocket PC and Windows Mobile to 1.03 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated MOON6Pt-2005 to 1.0 on Science/Astronomy 49/50
Added HPlayer to Graphics/Grayscale 49/50
Added Metodos Numericos to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added Emu42 for PocketPC to PC 28 Other
Added GrestBiaxial to Science/Civil 49/50
Added GrestCartela to Science/Civil 49/50
Added GrestFlexoComp to Science/Civil 49/50
Added GrestMuro to Science/Civil 49/50
Added GrestTorsion to Science/Civil 49/50
Added GrestVigaAlta to Science/Civil 49/50
Added GrestVigaT to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Keyboard Assigner to Utils/Misc 49/50
June 4th, 2005 Updated Emacs to 2.11 on Apps/Editors 49/50
Updated HP 49G(+) Flags to 1.4 on Docs/Misc 49/50
Updated HP 49G(+) Reserved Names to 1.5 on Docs/Misc 49/50
Updated UTool to 2.12 on Math/Misc 49/50
Updated AreaCurva to 2.0 on Math/Numeric 49/50
Updated EPHE to 2.01 on Science/Astronomy 49/50 48
Updated SatDish to 1.1 on Science/Astronomy 49/50 48
Added Algoritmo d'euclides Extendido to Math/Misc 49/50
Added ConcretoI to Science/Civil 48
May 30th, 2005 Updated HP 48 entries, PDF extract from the Database to 2.11 on Programming/Entries 48
Updated HP 48/49/38/39/40 Entry Database to 2.11 on Programming/Entries 49/50 48
Updated HP 49 entries, PDF extract from the Database to 2.11 on Programming/Entries 49/50
Updated ASCII to Binary Converter to 2.0 on Utils/Misc 49/50 48
Added 3D Adventure to Games 28
Added FisherZTransform to Math 39/40
Added HP 38 entries, PDF extract from the Database to Programming 38
Added HP 39/40 entries, PDF extract from the Database to Programming 38
May 28th, 2005 Added Sokoban to Games/Misc 49/50
Added BINOPAS to Math/Misc 49/50 48
May 27th, 2005 Updated Mafaukl and Mafaukl II on PC/Emulators 48
Updated Emu28 to 1.07 on Programming 28
Updated HO229 to 2.0 on Science/Astronomy 49/50
Added Gray Code Conversion Utilities to Math/Misc 49/50
Added CPROMUPL to Programming 28
May 24th, 2005 Updated Calculator Command Comparison Sheet to 2.00 on Docs/Misc 49/50 48 28
Updated FACTMOD to 1.06 on Math/Symbolic 49/50
Updated HPlanétarium to 3.01 on Science/Astronomy 49/50 48 39/40
Updated Diseño con Perfiles Metálicos to 1.5 on Science/Civil 49/50
Added PPOINT to Graphics/Animations 49/50
Added Make Pascal's Triangle to Math/Misc 49/50 48
Added Row of Pascal's Triangle to Math/Misc 49/50 48
Added Simple Statistical Functions to Math/Misc 49/50 48
Added Sum of a Range to Math/Misc 49/50 48
Added Make Binomial to Math/Symbolic 49/50 48
May 22nd, 2005 Updated Triangle Sides on Math/Misc 49/50
Updated InForm Builder to 1.8 on Programming/Misc 49/50
Updated GeoMech to 3.0 on Science/Civil 48
Added New Saturn Opcodes to Docs/Programming 49/50
Added ALG MENU to Math/Symbolic 48
Added Termica 2 to Science/Physics 48
May 11th, 2005 Updated Open Fire to 2.5 on Programming/Misc 49/50
May 9th, 2005 Updated FACTMOD to 1.05 on Math/Symbolic 49/50
Updated Emu42 to 1.03 on PC 28 Other
Updated Open Fire to 2.5 on Programming/Misc 49/50
May 8th, 2005 Updated Emu48 for Pocket PC and Windows Mobile to 1.02 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated Wombat3 on PC/Emulators 48
Updated EPHE to 2.00 on Science/Astronomy 49/50 48
Added Fórmulas to Math/Misc 48
Added MMCO to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Wombat3 to PC/Emulators 48
Added X48 for the Zaurus to PC/Emulators 48
Added ROM to PC/ROM 49/50
Added ROM (HP Installer) to PC/ROM 49/50
Added Forjados to Science/Civil 48
Added Decibel to Science/Misc 49/50 48
Added RungK to Science/Misc 48
Added Sección Dorada to Science/Misc 48
Added Westminster Chimes to Utils/Time 49/50 48
May 1st, 2005 Updated TED49 to 1.1 on Apps/Editors 49/50
Updated 20/19 to 0.2f on Math/Misc 49/50
Updated AReMu to 2.0 on Math/Statistic 49/50
Updated CP16 to 0.328 on PC Other
Updated ARM ToolBox to 2.01 on Programming/Misc 49/50
Updated Banner to 1.1 on Programming/Misc 49/50
Updated CTMR (Calculo de constantes para la masa rocosa) to 1.95 on Science/Civil 49/50
Updated Filer48 to 2.4 on Utils/Memory 48
Updated CAS L774 to 2.3 on Utils/Misc 49/50
Added Vocab49 to Apps/Misc 49/50
Added Curso de programacion en User RPL to Docs/Programming 49/50 48
Added Dementia to Games/Arcade 49/50
Added LCD functions to Graphics/Misc 49/50
Added OFgrob Functions to Graphics/Misc 49/50
Added Upper Tail Probabilities to Math/Statistic 48
Added APMATH to Math/Symbolic 49/50
Added CP16 Pocket PC ARM to PC Other
Added CP16 Pocket PC SH-3 to PC Other
Added HPConn to PC/Link 49/50 48
Added AreaXP49 to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Diseño con Perfiles Metálicos to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Diseño de Estructuras Metalicas to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Ensol to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Eolik to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Rigidez to Science/Civil 49/50
Added Lineas to Science/Electricity 49/50
Added Johnson Bossler Neumann to Science/Misc 49/50
Added SDRCL to Utils/Memory 49/50
March 21st, 2005 Updated HLP49 to 3.0 on Apps/Misc 49/50
Added MOON6Pt-2005 to Science/Astronomy 49/50
March 19th, 2005 Updated HLP49 to 3.0 on Apps/Misc 49/50
Updated Diseño de Columnas Acero AISC to 1.1 on Science/Civil 49/50
Added Daleks to Games/Misc 49/50
Added SaverXX to Graphics/Animations 49/50 48
Added Cramer49 to Math/Misc 49/50
Added Circuitos Menu to Science/Electricity 49/50
Added Señales y sistemas to Science/Electricity 49/50
March 14th, 2005 Updated Emu48 Executables to 36 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated Emu48 for Pocket PC and Windows Mobile to 1.01 on PC/Emulators 49/50 48 39/40 38
Updated Emu28 to 1.06 on Programming 28
Added Free42 for Linux (x86) to PC Other
Added Free42 for PalmOS to PC Other
Added Free42 for Windows (32-bit) to PC Other
Added Free42 PalmOS Skins to PC Other
Added Free42 Skins to PC Other
Added Free42 Source Code (Legacy) to PC Other
March 13th, 2005 Updated Programacion con ejemplos aplicados a Ing Civil to 2.0 on Docs/Programming 49/50 48
Updated HICAB to 1.1 on Science/Civil 48
Added Compressible Flow Tables to Science/Physics 49/50
March 6th, 2005 Updated LARCH Analisis Estructural 2D y 3D to 3.0 on Science/Civil 49/50 48
Updated Filer48 to 2.35 on Utils/Memory 48
Updated Configuración to 1.2 on Utils/Misc 49/50
Added Memory49 to Games/Misc 49/50
Added COLAS II to Math/Statistic 49/50
Added zLIB to Utils/Interface 49/50
Added TableMaker to Utils/Misc 49/50
February 13th, 2005 Updated AReMu to 1.01 on Math/Statistic 49/50
Updated HPUserEdit to 4.0 on PC/Programming 49/50 48
Added DEAPPROX to Math/Numeric 49/50
February 12th, 2005 Updated Open Fire to 2.4 on Programming/Misc 49/50
February 6th, 2005 Updated Fast Fibonacci to 1.1 on Math/Numeric 49/50
February 1st, 2005 Updated Quadr to 0.3 on Math/Misc 48
January 30th, 2005 Updated Simple Quadratic Tools to 0.9 on Math/Numeric 49/50 48
Updated KERMOD to 1.01 on Math/Symbolic 49/50
Updated HP4XDEV2 - User-RPL Program Development Tools to 2.0 on PC/Programming 49/50 48
Updated EPHE to 1.33 on Science/Astronomy 49/50 48
Updated Flight Map Planning to 2.1 on Science/Civil 49/50 48
Added Tutorial de Programación en Modo Algebraico to Docs/Programming 49/50
Added Fast Fibonacci to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added Metodos de Interpolación to Math/Numeric 49/50
Added AReMu to Math/Statistic 49/50
Added Inverse to Math 39/40
Added Armaduras to Science/Civil 48
January 9th, 2005 Updated FACTMOD to 1.04 on Math/Symbolic 49/50
Updated TimeKeeper on Utils/Time 48
Added KERMOD to Math/Symbolic 49/50
January 7th, 2005 Updated FACTMOD to 1.03 on Math/Symbolic 49/50
January 4th, 2005 Updated MODULO to 1.2 on Math/Misc 49/50 48
Added Maquinas1 to Science/Electricity 49/50
January 1st, 2005 Updated Simple Quadratic Tools to 0.9b on Math/Numeric 49/50 48
Updated FACTMOD to 1.02 on Math/Symbolic 49/50

See Older Updates

Part of the HP Calculator Archive,
Copyright 1997-2024 Eric Rechlin.