Interpolation |
Description: | Interpolates points in a function. Solves Linear Fit, Power Fit, Log Fit, Exponential Fit, and Least Square of 2nd and 3rd degree. |
Description (2): | Calcula Regressao Linear (Linear Fit), regressao de potencia (Power Fit), Regressão Logaritmica (Log Fit), ajuste de pontos pelo polinomio de Lagrange, mínimos quadrados de de segundo grau e terceiro grau e também mostra exemplos de gráficos destas funções. |
Filename: | |
ID: | 1525 |
Author: | Carlos Marangon: |
Downloaded file size: | 5,044 bytes |
Size on calculator: | 13 KB |
Platforms: | 48 |
User rating: | Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote) |
Primary category: | Math/Misc |
Languages: | ENG |
File date: | 1999-01-31 17:52:48 |
Source code: | Not included |
Download count: | 6,569 |
Version history: | 1999-02-01: Added to site
Archive contents: | Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
13394 1998-12-31 12:54 Interpolation
1459 1999-01-27 21:11 interpolation.txt
--------- -------
14853 2 files |
Library contents: | Interpolation: Library 927, INTER
Screenshot: |  |
User comments: | Carlos Marangon
2003-12-24 01:54:06
This is One of the best probrams for interpolation. You just need enter the data. |
| You must be logged in to add your own comment. |