
Description:ChemLab 2.7 is a graphical periodic table of elements with element symbols and a fast property browser with 22 properties. Also has a formula balancer and molecular weight calculator.
Current version:2.7
Author:Arnold Moy
Downloaded file size:28,871 bytes
Size on calculator:9-18 KB
Recommended:Get it!
User rating:10/10 with 5 votes (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Science/Chemistry
File date:1998-10-01 16:46:12
Source code:Not included
Download count:18,357
Version history:1998-10-01: Updated to version 2.7
1998-04-12: Updated to version 2.6
1997-08-21: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
     3074  09-08-96 12:00   ufl3.lib
     1524  07-28-98 17:32   Chemlb27.inf
    18387  07-31-98 18:59   Chemlb27.lib
     9433  07-31-98 19:00   Chemlt27.lib
    16531  08-16-98 11:31   Chemlb27.doc
      750  04-13-98 11:37   chemlab.gif
 --------                   -------
    49699                   6 files
Library contents:ufl3.lib: Library 257, UFL :1.0 Font Lev. 3
Chemlb27.lib: Library 1014, ChemLab 2.7 AMoy Aug.98
Chemlt27.lib: Library 1014, ChemLab 2.7L AMoy Aug.98
User comments:Eric Rechlin
2001-06-06 22:45:57
This is an excellent periodic table, with a very fast browser and lots of information about each element.
I highly recommend that you install this if you need a periodic table.
José Raúl González Alonso
2002-01-09 18:46:46
ChemLab is the best periodic table I've ever seen for the HP48. Eventhought the file may be small in size, the program is quite powerful and complete.
It includes a lot of details on the elements.
I would recommend it to any engineer or scientist due to all it's awesome characteristics.
Kenyon Ralph
2002-02-11 19:31:14
This is the best chemistry library!
Manuel Villalobos
2002-05-16 15:48:23
el programa es buenisimo pero tengo una consulta:como se balancea ecuaciones con el chemLab.respondanme
Oscar Barrios
2002-09-17 13:12:25
Excelente Programa, es el mejor programa de la tabla periodica existente, es muy completo, con mucha informacion, facil de manejar y no ocupa mucha memoria.
arjunaidi jamaludin
2009-03-02 18:51:27
thank you for the excellent ChemLab program.

I would like to point out a mistake in the element Nitrogen properties where the density is wrongly given as 0.0012506 g/cm3. It should be 1.251 g/cm3.

Arjunaidi Jamaludin, Malaysia
danielle ellis
2011-04-28 17:52:20
how would i access it?confused

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.