Benton48 Suite

Description:Structural engineering libraries for concrete calculations. Includes a statics library that calculates shear force, bending moment and displacements of a lot of "standard" beams.
Description (2):Incluye las ecuaciones de flectores y cortantes para los casos de vigas continuas más típicos (voladizo con carga en el extremo, biapoyada con carga uniformemente repartida, etc).
Author:Caspar Lugtmeier
Downloaded file size:52,070 bytes
Size on calculator:2-51 KB
User rating:Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Science/Physics
File date:1999-03-21 16:53:14
Source code:Not included
Download count:11,399
Version history:1999-03-21: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
     4493  1999-01-17 13:04   UEBv30.lib
    10738  1999-01-11 21:42   TABV31.LIB
    17841  1999-01-20 23:01   BTN48V21.LIB
     1327  1999-01-11 21:40   BGT48V11.LIB
    17337  1999-01-17 13:06   STATIC10.LIB
     3717  1999-03-21 18:37   Beton.inf
---------                     -------
    55453                     6 files
Library contents:UEBv30.lib: Library 888, UEB :3.0 c99 CL/NL
TABV31.LIB: Library 1557, Tabel48: 3.1 c99 CL/NL
BTN48V21.LIB: Library 1558, Beton48: 2.1 c99 CL/NL
BGT48V11.LIB: Library 1560, BGT48 :1.1 c99 CL/NL
STATIC10.LIB: Library 1580, Static :1.0 c97-99 NJM+CL/NL
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