
Description:Structural engineering application which can calculate the following things of any given truss: member elongations, member normal force, member normal stress, nodal displacements, and reaction forces. Written in System RPL (includes source code) with some assembly language and includes a comprehensive manual in Word format. SR2 includes Spanish HP 49 library.
Description (2):Permite resolver estructuras articuladas pero permite resolver estrucuturas articuladas de mayor tamaño que el programa FEM48/49.
Current version:4.2 SR2
Author:Caspar Lugtmeier
Downloaded file size:117,217 bytes
Size on calculator:8-13 KB
Platforms:49/50 48  
User rating:10/10 with 2 votes (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Science/Civil
Other categories:Science/Physics
Languages:ENG ESP  
File date:2003-05-14 00:23:41
Source code:Not included
Download count:26,053
Version history:2003-05-14: Updated to version 4.2 SR2
2003-01-26: Updated to version 4.2 SR1
2000-10-15: Updated to version 4.2 Source
2000-10-15: Updated to version 4.2
1998-12-25: Updated to version 4.2
1998-10-14: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
     1734  2003-04-26 16:19   Truss4849v42SR2/Truss48.inf
        0  2002-12-23 18:47   Truss4849v42SR2/Docs/
   236761  1999-01-25 23:26   Truss4849v42SR2/Docs/Truss48.doc
      715  2003-04-26 16:15   Truss4849v42SR2/Docs/Changes.txt
        0  2002-12-23 18:47   Truss4849v42SR2/HP48/
        0  2002-12-23 17:41   Truss4849v42SR2/HP48/Examples/
      804  1998-10-07 00:48   Truss4849v42SR2/HP48/Examples/Box.T48
     1884  1998-10-07 11:25   Truss4849v42SR2/HP48/Examples/OneSpan.T48
     2905  1998-10-07 00:48   Truss4849v42SR2/HP48/Examples/Demo.prg
      604  1998-10-07 00:48   Truss4849v42SR2/HP48/Examples/Example.T48
     3532  1998-10-07 18:21   Truss4849v42SR2/HP48/Examples/TwoSpans.T48
        0  2003-04-26 16:10   Truss4849v42SR2/HP48/Source/
    35456  1998-10-22 23:15   Truss4849v42SR2/HP48/Source/T48v42.dir
    28160  1998-06-17 09:34   Truss4849v42SR2/HP48/Source/T48 nulllams en cfg.doc
        0  2002-12-23 18:48   Truss4849v42SR2/HP48/Old/
    29307  1998-10-08 20:31   Truss4849v42SR2/HP48/Old/
    12456  1998-10-22 23:15   Truss4849v42SR2/HP48/Truss48v42.lib
        0  2002-12-23 18:47   Truss4849v42SR2/HP49/
    12833  2003-02-17 18:14   Truss4849v42SR2/HP49/Truss49v42SR2espanol.lib
       60  2003-04-26 16:12   Truss4849v42SR2/HP49/Translation.txt
    12939  2002-12-23 17:14   Truss4849v42SR2/HP49/Truss49v42SR1.lib
        0  2002-12-23 17:41   Truss4849v42SR2/
---------                     -------
   380150                     22 files
Library contents:Truss4849v42SR2/HP48/Old/ Library 1555, Truss 48 v2.3 CL/NL97
Truss4849v42SR2/HP48/Truss48v42.lib: Library 1555, Truss48: 4.2 c98 CL/NL
Truss4849v42SR2/HP49/Truss49v42SR2espanol.lib: Library 1555, Truss49: 4.2 c00 CL/NL Ported by Edwin Cordoba
Truss4849v42SR2/HP49/Truss49v42SR1.lib: Library 1555, Truss49: 4.2 c00 CL/NL Ported by Edwin Cordoba
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Part of the HP Calculator Archive,
Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.