
Description:Has a worm crawling across the stack while you work.
Author:Daniel Roggen
Downloaded file size:2,271 bytes
Size on calculator:1 KB
User rating:6/10 with 1 vote (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Utils/Stack
File date:1998-04-14 22:31:36
Source code:Not included
Download count:5,321
Version history:1998-04-14: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
     1280  04-13-98 22:07   WSTACK.LIB
      209  04-13-98 22:34   WARNING.TXT
     1321  04-14-98 22:27   wstack.txt
 --------                   -------
     2810                   3 files
Library contents:WSTACK.LIB: Library 1152, WormStack v0.9
User comments:alastair riddin
2005-07-14 08:02:50
this is a very entertaining program. it has unfortunately got one glitch. once the worm passes over anything on the stack, it does not re-appear correctly, instead it has a line where the worm has eaten. if this can be rectified, i give it a 8/10 rating

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.