
Description:Very fast SORT replacement. Behaves exactly like SORT, except that it doesn't accept units.
Current version:0.6b
Author:Werner Huysegoms
Downloaded file size:38,916 bytes
Size on calculator:2 KB
Platforms:49/50 48  
User rating:9/10 with 1 vote (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Utils/Misc
File date:2018-02-16 14:58:58
Creation date:2018-02-14
Source code:Included
Download count:6,819
Version history:2018-02-18: Updated to version 0.6b
2018-02-01: Updated to version 0.6a
2000-09-22: Updated to version 0.4
2000-03-18: Updated to version 0.3
2000-03-08: Updated (no version number specified)
2000-01-09: Updated (no version number specified)
1999-12-31: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
     6832  2018-01-29 09:05   LSORT v0.6b calc source.txt
     5627  2018-02-12 13:01   Lsort.txt
    39033  2018-02-12 13:03   Lsort.xlsx
     1075  2018-02-14 20:53   Lsort48.hp
     1075  2018-01-31 16:12   LSORT50.HP
---------                     -------
    53642                     5 files
User comments:Gilles Carpentier
2012-08-14 08:27:01
It works fine with the HP50G

It sorts a list of 500 numbers takes only 0.28 sec (vs 10.9 sec with standard SORT command ). A 1000 elements list to sort takes only 0.58 sec...

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Part of the HP Calculator Archive,
Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.