
Description:Roll a ball down a track and try not to let it fall off. Jump, accelerate, decelerate, go left or go right. This is a really fun game!
Current version:2.0
Author:Christian Mauduit (ufoot):
Downloaded file size:3,849 bytes
Size on calculator:6 KB
Recommended:Get it!
User rating:9/10 with 7 votes (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Games/Arcade
File date:1999-12-26 00:19:55
Source code:Not included
Download count:17,731
Version history:1999-12-25: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
     5695  12-21-99 20:10   BABL49
      244  12-25-99 23:19   babal49.inf
 --------                   -------
     5939                   2 files
Library contents:BABL49: Library 1033, BABAL49 beta .1 by U-FOOt
User comments:Adam Chan
2001-07-08 20:23:26
A very highly recommended download. This game is great for short quick bouts of fun. It's just one awesome game.
Cesar Caro
2001-07-31 16:57:45
This is a good game that automtically saves your settings. It's good if you just have a short time to spare or if you are playing for an hour.
nobis soto
2001-10-09 21:45:07
Bueno, Entretenido, y un poco estresante pero al fin y al cabo quita el aburrimiento muy bien
Brennan K
2004-08-02 00:00:38
A touch too fast on the HP49G+. As well it changes the contrast too low and you can't fix it because cancel exits the game.

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.