Doom Preview II

Description:Preview II of a forthcoming grayscale implementation of Doom with two monsters, four weapons, and a large level. Includes source code.
Author:Clément Pillias (HPfool)
Downloaded file size:40,360 bytes
Size on calculator:20 KB
User rating:5.7/10 with 3 votes (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Games/Arcade
File date:1999-12-18 00:44:42
Source code:Not included
Download count:32,560
Version history:1999-12-17: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
    19917  1999-12-17 11:28   Doom49demo.dir
    68672  1999-12-17 11:28   Doom49src.dir
     1454  1999-12-17 23:44   doom.txt
---------                     -------
    90043                     3 files
User comments:Peter Geelhoed
2001-07-09 06:29:23
When do we get to shoot?
Cesar Caro
2001-07-31 17:07:08
This is lame. You can shoot, but you cannot kill anybody, and there are only 2 inanimate monsters. Keep working, and maybe it'll be worth it.
Gilles BEE
2001-10-14 15:48:46
Quand la dernière version sera disponible ?
(sans le rallentissement en présence des monstres, notamment)

When the last version will be available? (without the deceleration in
the presence of the monsters, in particular)
lucas jr
2009-01-14 01:44:59
as it says platform '49/50' I downloaded it to my hp50g and IT TRASHED MY SCREN, I even updated the firmware and the image didnt get fixed. it seems that the calc is still working just I cannot see what hanpens, any fix?

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.