HP Worms

Description:Side-scrolling game based on the computer game, where you try to kill four worms of the opposing team with many weapons (bazooka, banana bomb, kamikaze, etc.).
Current version:1.0 Beta
Author:Lionel Daniel (HPlio): http://www.hplio.com/
Downloaded file size:194,077 bytes
Size on calculator:38 KB
Platforms:49/50 48  
User rating:Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Games/Arcade
Languages:ENG FRA  
File date:2000-12-09 13:14:59
Creation date:2000-12-06
Source code:Not included
Download count:22,138
Version history:2000-12-09: Updated to version 1.0 Beta
2000-06-20: Updated to version 0.9 Beta
2000-05-13: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
    13446  2000-03-25 11:23   DrapeauFrançais.gif
     5652  2000-12-06 20:29   EditHPWorms_EN48.ZIP
     5619  2000-12-06 20:29   EditHPWorms_EN49.ZIP
     5702  2000-12-06 20:29   EditHPWorms_FR48.ZIP
     5668  2000-12-06 20:29   EditHPWorms_FR49.ZIP
    14970  2000-03-25 11:23   EnglishFlag.gif
     4203  2000-10-02 11:52   Fond_HPWorms.jpg
     2019  2000-11-28 14:24   hplio.gif
    37700  2000-12-04 18:00   HPWorms1.0B_EN48.COD
    37760  2000-12-06 19:10   HPWorms1.0B_EN49.COD
    38221  2000-12-04 18:00   HPWorms1.0B_FR48.COD
    38272  2000-12-06 18:59   HPWorms1.0B_FR49.COD
     2192  2000-10-02 11:36   HPWorms1.gif
     1788  2000-10-02 11:36   HPWorms2.gif
     2281  2000-10-02 11:36   HPWorms3.gif
     2138  2000-10-02 11:55   HPWorms4.gif
    19035  2000-12-07 11:00   HPWorms_EN.HTM
    21026  2000-12-07 11:01   HPWorms_FR.HTM
     2099  2000-12-01 19:20   Intro.gif
      361  2000-12-04 18:39   LandConvertor_48.ZIP
      364  2000-12-06 20:28   LandConvertor_49.ZIP
      886  2000-12-04 18:39   Landscapes_48.ZIP
     1042  2000-12-06 20:29   Landscapes_49.ZIP
      788  2000-12-06 20:31   LandScreenShooter_EN48.zip
      797  2000-12-06 20:31   LandScreenShooter_EN49.zip
      831  2000-12-06 20:31   LandScreenShooter_FR48.zip
      841  2000-12-06 20:32   LandScreenShooter_FR49.zip
     1953  2000-12-06 20:52   MainMenu_EN.gif
     2013  2000-12-04 12:01   MainMenu_FR.gif
      714  2000-12-06 20:44   Menu2_EN.GIF
      812  2000-04-06 17:18   Menu2_FR.GIF
      562  2000-12-06 20:45   Menu3_EN.GIF
      575  2000-07-08 22:05   Menu3_FR.GIF
      717  2000-12-06 20:46   Menu4_EN.GIF
      734  2000-12-06 20:40   Menu4_FR.GIF
      671  2000-12-06 20:47   Menu5_EN.GIF
      731  2000-12-06 20:37   Menu5_FR.GIF
     6103  2000-12-01 19:30   ShootScreen0.gif
     5547  2000-12-06 21:06   ShootScreen1.gif
     9257  2000-01-19 15:24   VerPasContent0.GIF
     9025  2000-01-19 15:31   VerPasContent1.GIF
---------                     -------
   305115                     41 files
User comments:Philip Rodning
2008-03-07 17:20:11
Works fine on 49g+/50g, except that the grayscale flickers enough to give anyone a seizure.

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Part of the HP Calculator Archive,
Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.