
Description:Grob editor in grayscale or in black and white with tools for lines, boxes, circles and ellipses, a zoom mode, fill in with patterns, g(x)or and replace grobs. Also has tools to rotate and make symmetries with grobs and alows one to edit a grob before replacing it.
Current version:2.6
Author:Tanguy Briancon
Downloaded file size:19,528 bytes
Size on calculator:25 KB
User rating:9.5/10 with 2 votes (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Graphics/Editors
Other categories:Graphics/Misc
File date:2001-02-26 19:54:50
Source code:Not included
Download count:10,406
Version history:2001-02-26: Updated to version 2.6
2001-02-06: Updated to version 2.5
2000-12-09: Updated to version 2.4
2000-11-20: Updated to version 2.3
2000-05-23: Updated to version 2.1
2000-04-10: Updated to version 2.0
2000-03-03: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
    27392  02-25-01 12:24   grobedit26
      728  11-18-00 15:56   PATTERN
     2306  02-25-01 14:10   readme.txt
 --------                   -------
    30426                   3 files
Library contents:grobedit26: Library 1079, GrobEdit V2.6
User comments:Dimitri Missoh
2002-10-18 04:43:38
I try all graphic editor program for the hp49g.
GrobEdit is the best. You can do unbelievable things like use mask,rotate, pick a grob with the filer and more. And thas all as well with black/white grob as with grayscales grob.
You have simply to try it.
It is a great programing job.
(Excuse my bad english)

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Copyright 1997-2024 Eric Rechlin.