
Description:A definitive polynomial library. Supports Laplace and Z transforms.
Current version:8.1
Author:Apolonio Francisco Gonzalez Herrero (APO)
Downloaded file size:27,904 bytes
Size on calculator:12 KB
Recommended:Get it!
User rating:9/10 with 3 votes (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Math/Symbolic
Languages:ENG ESP  
File date:2001-01-07 11:33:27
Source code:Not included
Download count:27,104
Version history:2001-01-07: Updated to version 8.1
2000-08-05: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
     1003  01-07-01 14:51   NeopV8x1/LEEME.txt
    11358  01-07-01 14:46   NeopV8x1/NeopV8x1.lib
    30887  01-07-01 14:55   NeopV8x1/NeopV8x1eng.txt
    33473  01-07-01 14:54   NeopV8x1/NeopV8x1esp.txt
      888  01-07-01 14:51   NeopV8x1/README.txt
        0  01-07-01 14:55   NeopV8x1/
 --------                   -------
    77609                   6 files
Library contents:NeopV8x1/NeopV8x1.lib: Library 1494, NEOPOLYSv8.1
User comments:Steevens DoƱan
2001-07-27 12:25:58
Es un programa excelente para las aplicaciones de ingeniería eléctrica
ya que se puede trabajar de forma numérica y simbólica.
Es una potente herramienta para el análisis en la frecuencia lo recomiendo para todos aquellos que estudien ingeniería eléctrica y carreras afines.
super gems
2009-05-13 14:50:29
The command ->L (Laplace transform) of NEOPOLYS 8.1 fails on my HP 50g: cos(a*t+b) ->L Error: Bad Argument Value -- cos(2*t+3) ->L Error: Bad Argument Value -- cos(2.*t+3.) ->L (1. 0.)/(1. 0. 9.) is wrong. With LAP command of HP 50g CAS: LAP(cos(a*x+b)) = (-a*sin(b)+b*cos(a)*x)/(x^2+a^2) -- LAP(cos(2*x+3))=(cos(3)*x-2*sin(3))/(x^2+4). I was not able to contact the author! :-(

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.