
Description:Many tools for working with symbolics, including replacements for the SOLVE command to make solving equations (and inequalities) simpler.
Current version:1.1
Authors:Steen S. Schmidt
Gábor Székely
Downloaded file size:136,806 bytes
Size on calculator:9 KB
User rating:10/10 with 3 votes (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Math/Symbolic
File date:2015-07-26 21:09:22
Source code:Not included
Download count:8,649
Version history:2015-07-26: Updated to version 1.1
2000-03-15: Updated to version 1.1
2000-03-13: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
      611  05-12-15 09:29   README.txt
   354816  03-16-00 00:05   SymbToolz v1.1.doc
     8544  05-08-15 10:55   SymbToolz11.50g
     8569  03-16-00 00:06   SymbTv11
 --------                   -------
   372540                   4 files
Library contents:SymbToolz11.50g: Library 1123, SymbToolz v1.1
SymbTv11: Library 1123, SymbToolz v1.1
User comments:Harald Schilly
2001-09-09 03:57:56
really a fantastic program, but there should be a newer compilation for the 19-5 ROM. Sometimes it seems to stuck!!
Gábor Székely
2015-05-11 02:55:51
Love SymbToolz for its flexibility and speed. It is undoubtedly the best solver in practical life. Special thanks to the author for the little utilities coming with the library. Now I have ported it to my 50g - we cannot let such a masterpiece be got lost.
super gems
2015-06-06 09:02:45
Hi Gábor Székely, can you share symbtoolz ported to the HP 50g?

thanks a lot
Gábor Székely
2015-06-22 02:55:31

I tried to submit it here but did not manage to.
After fillig the upload form it says confirmed but the piece of software does not appear on the page.
Mailed Eric due to the problem but there was no response.
Gábor Székely
2016-04-18 09:30:54
In the autumn pull it was submitted and can be downloadable from here.

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.