Description:Balances nearly any chemical equation in 4-10 seconds.
Current version:1.6b
Author:Yoann Désir: http://ydesir.free.fr/hp50g/
Downloaded file size:5,866 bytes
Size on calculator:5 KB
User rating:7.3/10 with 4 votes (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Science/Chemistry
Languages:ENG FRA  
File date:2008-05-11 21:12:48
Source code:Not included
Download count:13,924
Version history:2008-05-11: Updated to version 1.6b
2001-06-15: Updated to version 1.6
2001-06-02: Updated to version 1.5
2001-05-18: Updated to version 1.3
2000-05-20: Updated to version 1.2
2000-04-10: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
      631  04-12-08 16:42   french.doc
      550  04-12-08 16:43   english.doc
     6316  04-12-08 16:34   eqbil.hp
 --------                   -------
     7497                   3 files
Library contents:eqbil.hp: Library 504, EQBIL
User comments:Francesco Verardi
2001-06-30 16:44:10
Really great!
Yoann Désir
2001-07-02 14:36:10
I'm very grateful to Eric Riechlin to enable comments to our programs. I hope my EQBIL program will help many people to learn chemistry and solve equations problems. If any equation isn't solved, email me.
Javier Guillot
2001-07-23 02:00:14
I'm specially greatful to Yoann for the excellent program created. I am a senior high school student and EQBIL has been fundamental in many theoretical and practical chemistry sessions, partly for saving A GREAT DEAL OF TIME, partly in checking own answers with the ones delivered by the calculator, and partly for helping the teacher solve long non-redox equations! Any chemistry student, at any level I think, owner of a HP49G, SHOULD HAVE THIS PROGRAM INSTALLED. Yoann, continue with the wonderful work.
Luis Leon
2002-01-23 11:26:29
This is an excellent program, that could help to any chemestry student, excellent program...
Vince Davis
2012-11-29 14:28:43
Installed this app on my 50G and thus far cannot run the app. Yoan Desir needs to provide extensive details regarding how to run this app, EqBil.info does not provide the necessary information to run this app.
Artur Kasznar
2013-06-17 10:20:14
only thing to be noticed: instead of writing Fe(OH)3 write FeO3H3. instead of Cr(OH)4(-1) use CrO4H4(-).
Vincent Davis
2017-05-28 06:26:39
I've attempted to use this program for sometime and if were not for Miguel Angel Caporalini Herk and his methods I still would not be able to run this program.

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.