
Description:Music Interpreter which plays polyphonic music. The author encourages any user-made songs to be sent to him. Incompatible with the 49g+/48gII/50g.
Current version:3.2
Authors:Miguel González Cuadrado
Pagala Jala
Downloaded file size:96,908 bytes
Size on calculator:7 KB
Recommended:Get it!
User rating:10/10 with 3 votes (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Utils/Sound
File date:2000-06-30 22:51:21
Source code:Not included
Download count:10,710
Version history:2000-07-01: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
    30170  06-17-98 17:29   mig_3_2.doc
     2899  06-15-98 19:10   style.txt
        0  06-23-00 01:32   music.mig/
     5518  06-23-00 01:35   music.mig/humm
     1345  06-23-00 01:35   music.mig/muse
    13620  06-23-00 01:35   music.mig/fuga
     4399  06-23-00 01:35   music.mig/tocc
     8788  06-23-00 01:35   music.mig/turc
     5615  06-23-00 01:35   music.mig/ente
     7399  06-23-00 01:35   music.mig/pach
     3618  06-23-00 01:33   music.mig/chin
     1552  06-23-00 01:35   music.mig/octo
     7621  06-23-00 01:35   music.mig/koni
    37441  06-23-00 02:35   songs.dir
     6684  06-23-00 01:52   Mig49v32.lib
     1028  06-23-00 02:10   00Readme.1st
 --------                   -------
   137697                   16 files
Library contents:Mig49v32.lib: Library 1053, ..Mig..V3.2 1998
User comments:Ignacio Joel Perez Marquez
2001-06-30 11:50:31
The best programa about music.
Tim Wessman
2001-06-30 13:04:23
This is an amazing program. Who'd ever thought Bach (and a decent representation of it) would have been able to be played on a tiny speaker? Very entertaining to awe/amaze/annoy others during slow days in class! ;-)
David Guerrero
2002-09-09 19:51:42
excellent program, wish there were more songs
Duncan Smith
2002-10-25 09:35:52
I love how this program is able to create biphonic (2 voice) songs! I may even transcribe a 2-voice fugue, just for fun, but don't count on it.
Even though this is a marvelous porgram, you have to read the documentation to use it. I found that out the hard way (no crash, just errors).
I recommend this program if you want to make polyphonic music on your calculator.
P.S.: The keys (mute left, mute right, pause, resume, all except for fast forward, rewind, exit, slower, and faster) don't work in the mig debugger as of this writing, probably because of differences in the 48g's and the 49g's keyboard.

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.