OT49 |
Description: | Operating tools offering menu, library, hiding, programming and compressing tools, allows recalling menus, rompointers, flashpointers, key assignments, to toggle fonts, flags, decompiling/recompiling, etc. The BZ-toggler creates its own powerful menu for handling BZ-strings. With it you may create very small self-decompressing code objects, for instance. The library manager D<->L from OT49 now allows adding HELP options to library commands to be shown in CAT, Libman or elsewhere. OT49 contains the first library tool customizing the creation of HELP options for library commands in the framework of User RPL. Includes HTML documentation. |
Filename: | ot49.zip |
ID: | 3397 |
Current version: | 9.2003/4.2004 |
Author: | Wolfgang Rautenberg: https://www.mi.fu-berlin.de/archive/raut/ |
Downloaded file size: | 41,733 bytes |
Size on calculator: | 5 KB |
Platforms: | 49/50 |
Recommended: | Get it! |
User rating: | 9.4/10 with 10 votes (you must be logged in to vote) |
Primary category: | Utils/Interface |
Other categories: | Programming/MiscProgramming/Libs |
Languages: | ENG |
File date: | 2004-10-05 22:48:09 |
Source code: | Not included |
Download count: | 17,970 |
Version history: | 2004-05-11: Updated to version 9.2003/4.2004
2004-05-11: Updated to version 9.2003/4.2004
2004-05-09: Updated to version 9.2003/3.2004
2003-12-28: Updated to version 9.2003/2.2004
2003-07-28: Updated to version 7.2003
2003-05-08: Updated to version 5.2003
2003-05-07: Updated to version 5.2003
2003-02-11: Updated to version 4.2003
2002-11-14: Updated to version 3.2003
2002-05-28: Updated to version 8.2002
2002-05-20: Updated to version 7.2002
2002-02-16: Updated to version 5.2002
2001-12-20: Updated to version 4.2002
2001-11-21: Updated to version 3.2002
2001-10-27: Updated to version 2.2002
2001-07-20: Updated to version 9.2001
2001-07-19: Updated to version 9.2001
2001-05-22: Updated to version 8.2001
2001-04-20: Updated to version 7.2001
2001-03-20: Updated to version 6.2001
2001-03-10: Updated to version 5.2001
2001-02-26: Updated to version 3.2001
2001-01-03: Updated to version Jan2001
2000-11-28: Updated to version Dec2000
2000-10-20: Updated (no version number specified)
2000-10-10: Updated (no version number specified)
2000-10-08: Updated (no version number specified)
2000-10-07: Updated (no version number specified)
2000-10-03: Updated (no version number specified)
2000-09-30: Updated (no version number specified)
2000-09-27: Updated (no version number specified)
2000-09-24: Updated (no version number specified)
2000-07-01: Updated (no version number specified)
2000-06-20: Added to site
Archive contents: | Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
5248 12-04-03 03:40 OT49
1596 03-24-03 06:26 OT49.gif
44714 10-03-04 14:19 OT49.htm
0 03-29-04 03:57 OT49.pic/
1831 03-24-03 06:24 OT49.pic/OT.gif
839 07-06-03 12:10 OT49.pic/arc.gif
2235 03-05-03 07:33 OT49.pic/bz.gif
842 06-20-03 09:37 OT49.pic/kpi.gif
360 07-06-03 14:43 OT49.pic/p1m.gif
391 07-06-03 14:43 OT49.pic/p2m.gif
1189 03-24-03 06:13 OT49.pic/p3.gif
356 03-29-04 03:57 OT49.pic/p4.gif
846 06-20-03 09:37 OT49.pic/pfeil-lr.gif
837 06-20-03 09:37 OT49.pic/pfeil-re.gif
5237 05-11-04 23:56 OT49Plus
17592 08-27-04 03:25 LDOC360
-------- -------
84113 16 files |
Library contents: | OT49: Library 360, OT49 1.2004 WR
OT49Plus: Library 360, OT49+ 4.2004 WR
Screenshot: |  |
User comments: | Carsten Dominik
2001-07-22 15:22:52
An collection of Utilities I use every day. Truely excellent stuff, and all in an amazingly small lib. |
| You must be logged in to add your own comment. |