Unitman |
Description: | Allows a complete customization of the UNITS system. One may add user-defined units to the unit categories. User units are treated like built-ins, i.e., the famous 3-fold functionality of a unit key applies to an integrated user-units as well. In addition, one may reorganize a units menu, i.e., reorder it or purge not needed units. The same can be done with the whole bundle of unit directories to which new ones may be added ad libitum. Now contains HTML documentation. |
Filename: | unitman.zip |
ID: | 4275 |
Current version: | 4.2004 |
Author: | Wolfgang Rautenberg: https://www.mi.fu-berlin.de/archive/raut/ |
Downloaded file size: | 54,947 bytes |
Size on calculator: | 2 KB |
Platforms: | 49/50 |
Recommended: | Get it! |
User rating: | 9.4/10 with 5 votes (you must be logged in to vote) |
Primary category: | Utils/Interface |
Other categories: | Science/MiscMath/Misc |
Languages: | ENG FRA ESP DEU |
File date: | 2004-05-09 21:54:48 |
Source code: | Not included |
Download count: | 17,677 |
Version history: | 2004-05-09: Updated to version 4.2004
2003-12-28: Updated to version 3.2003
2003-05-07: Updated to version 2.2003
2002-01-20: Updated to version 1.2002
2001-06-30: Updated to version 8.2001
2001-06-24: Updated to version 7.2001
2001-06-15: Updated to version 6.2001
2001-05-23: Updated to version 5.2001
2001-01-29: Updated to version 3.2001
2001-01-27: Updated to version 3.2001
2001-01-03: Updated to version Jan2001
2000-11-09: Updated to version Nov2000
2000-11-03: Updated (no version number specified)
2000-10-30: Updated (no version number specified)
2000-10-25: Updated (no version number specified)
2000-10-22: Added to site
Archive contents: | Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
2265 11-04-03 02:07 Uinfo.htm
1677 03-20-04 10:26 Unitman
1592 03-06-03 09:14 Unitman.gif
21549 03-20-04 10:48 Unitman.htm
0 03-20-04 10:35 Unitman.pic/
64 03-07-03 19:27 Unitman.pic/euro12.gif
976 02-16-03 04:18 Unitman.pic/InfU.gif
1270 02-16-03 04:18 Unitman.pic/ms.gif
1417 02-16-03 04:18 Unitman.pic/roll.gif
1609 02-16-03 04:18 Unitman.pic/roUDs.gif
1415 02-16-03 04:18 Unitman.pic/roUM.gif
807 02-16-03 04:18 Unitman.pic/Zeit.gif
1390 03-04-03 04:23 Unitman.pic/Unitman.gif
1342 03-20-04 10:34 Unitman.pic/uu.gif
10624 03-17-03 08:09 Unitman.txt
26033 11-02-03 04:56 UnitmanD.htm
24398 10-31-03 12:38 UnitmanE.htm
23702 10-30-03 09:02 UnitmanF.htm
-------- -------
122130 18 files |
Library contents: | Unitman: Library 359, Unitman 4.2004 WR
Screenshot: |  |
User comments: | Marco Tinarelli
2001-07-03 06:34:38
A must-have program for people who works with units. Joined with Utools by Carsten Dominik you have the best unit tool management system on the road for HP49. |
| You must be logged in to add your own comment. |