
Description:Nosy allows you to interactively see into the ROM. It allows to quickly "surf" through a routine and peeks into flash pages. Now supports the G+, and has a new function that searches the entire ROM for routines calling a given routine.
Current version:4.1
Author:Jurjen N.E. Bos
Downloaded file size:45,945 bytes
Size on calculator:8 KB
Recommended:Get it!
User rating:9.8/10 with 8 votes (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Programming/Misc
File date:2004-05-09 20:01:33
Source code:Not included
Download count:10,139
Version history:2004-05-09: Updated to version 4.1
2001-04-05: Updated to version 4.0
2001-01-12: Updated to version 3.3
2000-12-19: Updated to version 3.1
2000-11-27: Updated to version 2.2
2000-11-22: Updated to version 1.7
2000-11-18: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
     7654  03-15-04 16:19   Nosy4.1.lib
    50558  03-15-04 16:19   Nosy4.1.src
    31738  03-12-04 11:33   Nosy4.1.txt
 --------                   -------
    89950                   3 files
Library contents:Nosy4.1.lib: Library 1625, Nosy 4.1 by JNE Bos
User comments:Carsten Dominik
2001-06-20 07:42:09
Nosy is for sticking your Nose into the ROM of the HP49G. It is simply the best library for this purpose. Nosy extracts code correctly from everywhere including the Flash. The decompiled code Nosy produces contains a lot more information that what you would get using the builtin decompilers ->S2 and ASM->. In addition to a user interface for browsing the ROM like hypertext, Nosy also has an interface through which other programs like Emacs can make use of its capabilities. Jurjen is a virtuous programmer, and the source code of Nosy is a bag full of surprises. A must-have for SystemRPL and ML programmers.
Compare this with CQIF, the other ROM extractor and dissassembler library on the HP49G. CQIF does not produce the same quality of output for decompiled SysRPL code, but is faster.
Steen Schmidt
2001-06-30 19:58:00
This is simply an amazing library. When I first loaded it, I just sat for more than an hour browsing the Flash - without any purpose at all. Fast, thorough and intelligent.

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