INT48pro labcad

Description:Transforms the HP 48GX into a symbolic powerhouse with symbolic capabilities that are state of the art! INT48pro handles Symbolic: Differentiation, Integration, Laplace and Inverse Laplace transforms as well as the Z-transform. Inverse Z-transforms, Fourier and Inverse Fourier transforms will soon be added to INT48pro. INT48pro can search over 1000 tables in less than a second! INT48pro was written in 30% assembler, 40% PCO/ML and 30% System RPL.
Current version:1.53 beta
Author:Jeremy E. Laughery:
Downloaded file size:149,280 bytes
Size on calculator:45-80 KB
User rating:9/10 with 1 vote (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Math/Symbolic
File date:2001-02-26 17:07:29
Source code:Not included
Download count:10,325
Version history:2001-02-26: Updated to version 1.53 beta
2001-01-27: Updated to version 1.50 beta
2001-01-16: Updated to version 1.43 alpha
2001-01-11: Updated to version 1.40 alpha
2000-12-29: Updated to version 1.33 alpha
2000-12-28: Updated to version 1.32 alpha
2000-12-26: Updated to version 1.31 alpha
2000-12-23: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
    45023  02-16-01 17:15   INT48pro
    13792  01-26-01 22:08   Laplace
     2237  12-23-00 02:04   ZTRANS
    97152  02-15-01 01:14   INT48pro.pdf
     3739  02-12-01 02:47   AST.pdf
     3979  02-12-01 03:09   Readme.pdf
     3043  02-12-01 03:03   NTV.pdf
     4639  02-12-01 02:36   copyright-INT48pro.pdf
    68751  02-15-01 00:07   Examples.pdf
    16177  02-16-01 17:05   INTEGR
     1158  01-07-01 05:46   ORTHO
 --------                   -------
   259690                   11 files
Library contents:INT48pro: Library 836, INT48pro labcad v1.50ß :by Jeremy Eli Laughery: Copyright (c) 2000-2001,By Jeremy Eli Laughery. All Federal and International Rights Reserved
Laplace: Library 838,
ZTRANS: Library 839,
INTEGR: Library 837,
ORTHO: Library 840,
User comments:Jeremy Laughery
2001-08-03 23:43:55
As of this time, INT48pro is being written on a computer with jGRASP
as the Compiler Environment using GNU tools as the compiler. As the
author puts everything together to build libraries and directories,
INT48pro will also be part of the HP49 library collection.

You must be logged in to add your own comment.

Part of the HP Calculator Archive,
Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.