Stat49 Pro

Description:Stat49Pro is complete inferential statistics library written in System RPL. Essentially all hypothesis tests, confidence intervals, and sample sizes covered in a two quarter introductory statistics curriculum are computed by Stat49Pro. Included is a data manager which stores sample data sends statistics from stored data directly into input forms for the various statistical analysis applications. Some non-parametric tests are supported as well. This package is an upgrade to Stat49 by the same author -- more tests, confidence intervals, and samples sizes are handled. The new version is in library form, is easier to use, and runs more quickly. New features: normal probability plots, rank sums, minor bug fixes.
Current version:1.1
Author:Scott Guth:
Downloaded file size:48,817 bytes
Size on calculator:47 KB
User rating:9.8/10 with 4 votes (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Math/Statistic
File date:2001-03-26 03:47:36
Source code:Not included
Download count:13,484
Related files:Stat48
Version history:2001-03-24: Updated to version 1.1
2001-01-29: Updated to version 1.0
2001-01-26: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
      172  2001-03-22 21:36   changes.txt
      178  2001-01-27 21:51   stat491.gif
      592  2001-01-27 21:51   stat492.gif
      287  2001-01-27 21:51   stat493.gif
      293  2001-01-28 10:17   stat494.gif
      297  2001-01-27 21:51   stat495.gif
      375  2001-01-27 21:51   stat496.gif
   117194  2001-03-22 22:16   Stat49Pr.htm
    47328  2001-03-20 21:35   stat49pr.lib
    26240  2001-03-22 22:22   stat49pr.pdf
---------                     -------
   192956                     10 files
Library contents:stat49pr.lib: Library 1043, statpro
User comments:billy zamora
2015-05-14 15:15:16
why to reboot system appears the program name on the screen before the same commands of hp run?
Hook Eve
2016-08-03 10:53:02
Congratulations for a very good job!
There is a little bug. Calculating Sample size estimating population mean, the program only can use the Normal curve. It's posipossible to correct this to choose between Z and T?
Thanks a lot
Richard Antley
2020-08-31 09:33:40
The format for the 2Way ANOVA >1 Obs/Cell is a list matrix. What this means is the format is list oriented. Example: { { {1 2 3 } {4 5 6 } } { { 7 8 9 } { 10 11 12 }} } for a two factor analysis with 3 observations per cell, 2 rows and 2 columns. The example data set provided with Stat49 Pro (and Stat48 Pro) shows the use of brackets, [], for the 2Way ANOVA >1 Obs/Cell. But the use of [] is not correct. I have confirmed the correct operation using braces, { }, in both Stat48 Pro and Stat49 Pro by comparing the analysis results with Excel and R.

Both Stat48 Pro and Stat49 Pro are very good statistical analysis programs for the HP48 and HP49/HP50 calculators.

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.