Daily Bible |
Description: | "31 Bible Passages from Proverbs for the HP 49." A very easy to use program that lets the user select the day (with a fast calendar) and then displays a verse for that day. Also includes an option to display the Roman Road to salvation. Supposedly an easy-to-install library. |
Filename: | dailybible3.zip |
ID: | 4545 |
Current version: | 3.0 |
Author: | John Mart, II |
Downloaded file size: | 9,409 bytes |
Size on calculator: | 12 KB |
Platforms: | 49/50 |
User rating: | 10/10 with 1 vote (you must be logged in to vote) |
Primary category: | Apps/Misc |
Languages: | ENG |
File date: | 2001-07-06 16:03:35 |
Source code: | Not included |
Download count: | 7,419 |
Version history: | 2001-07-06: Updated to version 3.0
2001-05-23: Updated to version 2.5e
2001-04-04: Updated to version 2.1
2001-03-18: Added to site
Archive contents: | Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
12608 07-06-01 15:29 EzInst.1650
1629 07-06-01 15:30 DB3.gif
3980 07-06-01 15:56 Readme.txt
-------- -------
18217 3 files |
Screenshot: |  |
User comments: | No comments at this time. |
| You must be logged in to add your own comment. |