
Description:A complete set of unit utilities (utools). Includes a full-screen menu for fast access to 54 (49g+/50g) or 42 (HP 49G/48gII) user-selected units, a configurable inverse UBASE command, handling of general non-SI base units (cgs, English, Planck etc), re-implementations of MUC and other HP 48 unit utilities. Requires ROM 2.00 on the 49g+/48gII/50g.
Current version:2.12
Author:Carsten Dominik: https://staff.fnwi.uva.nl/c.dominik/hpcalc/
Downloaded file size:22,687 bytes
Size on calculator:7 KB
User rating:9.7/10 with 6 votes (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Math/Misc
File date:2005-06-04 18:41:48
Source code:Not included
Download count:9,691
Version history:2005-06-04: Updated to version 2.12
2004-05-19: Updated to version 2.11
2004-05-09: Updated to version 2.10
2003-02-11: Updated to version 2.9
2002-06-30: Updated to version 2.8
2002-05-21: Updated to version 2.7
2002-01-17: Updated to version 2.6
2002-01-14: Updated to version 2.5
2001-10-27: Updated to version 2.4
2001-07-06: Updated to version 2.3
2001-06-23: Updated to version 2.2
2001-06-15: Updated to version 2.1
2001-05-18: Updated to version 2.0
2001-04-17: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
        0  06-01-05 04:19   utool212/
     6148  05-31-05 01:02   utool212/.DS_Store
     6912  05-25-05 07:51   utool212/UTool.49G
     7028  05-29-05 09:55   utool212/UTool.49GP
    29038  06-01-05 04:18   utool212/UTool.txt
 --------                   -------
    49126                   5 files
Library contents:utool212/UTool.49G: Library 1547, UTOOL 2.9 CD
utool212/UTool.49GP: Library 1547, UTOOL 2.12 CD
User comments:Ruben Filter
2001-11-20 06:47:02
This is a neat utility that makes life with units a joy. A wonderful program.
Luis Leon
2002-01-17 17:54:19
Excelente programa, es una ventaja tenerlo, it make the life easier..
luis faria
2005-03-02 14:55:14
what a program! any student must have it.
que programa! todo estudiante deberia tenerlo.

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.