Star Wars Sounds

Description:Wave-like sounds for HP 49 with the opening of Star Wars and the Imperial March. It is also explained how to create a sound for HP 49 from any wave or mp3 file.
Author:Yoann Désir:
Downloaded file size:154,810 bytes
Size on calculator:110 KB
User rating:Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Utils/Sound
Languages:ENG FRA  
File date:2001-08-19 14:37:13
Source code:Included
Download count:8,010
Version history:2001-08-19: Updated (no version number specified)
2001-08-10: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
      232  08-09-01 18:23
      684  08-09-01 18:23   appl.src
    32964  02-21-99 11:41   Digiconv.exe
     1273  08-09-01 18:26   Digiconv.txt
    54014  08-08-01 22:49   imp.prg
   121950  08-08-01 22:48   opn.prg
     3960  08-09-01 18:02   sound.html
     3665  08-09-01 18:02   sound_e.html
      124  08-08-01 22:01
 --------                   -------
   218866                   9 files
User comments:Peter Geelhoed
2001-08-13 04:15:15
Is this a 49 program? The docs say that it is a 48!
Yoann Désir
2001-08-15 06:14:46
The former version was the 48 one. (a upload mistake, probably...)
The new 49 version should be available very soon (look forward the next update).
Yoann Désir
2004-01-30 19:36:10
Here it is, this file is the true 49G version (and won't work on 49g+ due to [BUSCC versus OUT=C] beep considerations).

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.