
Description:Drugwar is a quite basic game: you have to earn money by selling drugs. You also can buy weapons to fight with the cops.
Current version:3.0
Authors:Antonin Le Faucheux: https://web.archive.org/web/20090707043419/http://membres.lycos.fr/drugwar40g/
Nicolas Pelletier: https://web.archive.org/web/20090707043419/http://membres.lycos.fr/drugwar40g/
Downloaded file size:21,548 bytes
Size on calculator:150 KB
User rating:9/10 with 1 vote (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Games
File date:2002-01-20 16:07:15
Source code:Not included
Download count:5,696
Version history:2002-01-20: Updated to version 3.0
2001-11-03: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
       31  10-05-01 17:11   HP39DIR.CUR
      587  10-06-01 22:51   HP39DIR.000
     2778  01-12-02 16:03   DRUGWAR0.000
      347  10-06-01 22:50   DRUINI00.000
     2398  11-14-01 22:24   LIEU2000.000
     3761  11-14-01 22:25   LIEU0000.000
     1152  10-05-01 17:13   HOSTO000.000
     2292  10-05-01 17:14   FUN00000.000
      883  11-14-01 22:24   EVENEMEN.000
     2562  10-06-01 22:48   DRUGWAR1.000
     1399  10-05-01 17:15   DROGUE00.000
      779  10-05-01 17:15   DETTE000.000
     4526  10-05-01 17:16   COPS0000.000
     5535  11-14-01 22:26   BUY00000.000
     2903  01-12-02 16:02   BANQUE00.000
     5124  10-05-01 17:17   ARMURERI.000
     2256  10-05-01 17:18   ANNONCES.000
     2066  10-05-01 17:18   THEEND00.000
      404  10-05-01 17:18   STATUT00.000
     6270  01-11-02 20:51   SELL0000.000
     2767  10-05-01 17:20   OBJET000.000
      742  10-05-01 17:20   MORT0000.000
     4095  10-06-01 22:45   MENU0000.000
     4286  10-05-01 17:21   HIGHSCOR.000
     4302  10-05-01 17:22   HIGHSCO0.000
      507  12-25-01 23:26   Readme.txt
 --------                   -------
    64752                   26 files
User comments:Thomas Schwenn
2001-11-25 18:29:52
Buy/Sell drugs in different cities/areas with different prices in different places. Cool, but way too big.

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.