
Description:Organizer is the best calendar/PIM/address book for the HP 48.
Current version:1.1
Author:Jack Levy
Downloaded file size:53,935 bytes
Size on calculator:13 KB
Recommended:Get it!
User rating:9.8/10 with 8 votes (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Apps/PIMs
File date:1997-01-08 00:00:00
Source code:Not included
Download count:12,466
Version history:1997-08-21: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
    12666  01-08-97 20:26   ORG11.LIB
    40816  01-08-97 20:26   ORG11.DOC
     2207  01-08-97 20:26   ORG11.INF
      624  01-08-97 20:26   ORG11US.HOL
      224  01-08-97 20:26   ORG11SW.HOL
      517  01-08-97 20:26   ORG11CNV.BIN
    28792  01-08-97 20:26   UFL101F1.ZIP
 --------                   -------
    85846                   7 files
Library contents:ORG11.LIB: Library 1144, Organizer v1.1 by Jack Levy
User comments:Rod O'Connor
2001-11-21 23:50:35
Found the program to work quite well. I have a thing for PIMs, but never seem to use them after awhile. I may try to make an exception for this one!
Didier Salembier
2002-11-04 03:54:18
Great piece of software! I use it for several months now and I'm very pleased with it!
It is very easy to use it, very fast and it has a professional look!

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Part of the HP Calculator Archive,
Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.