Finanzas |
Description: | Financial library in Spanish. Calculate TVM, cash flow, amortization table, Beta, FIFO, LIFO, Linear Depreciation and much more. |
Filename: | |
ID: | 5147 |
Current version: | 1.7 |
Author: | Elias Valverde Aguilera |
Downloaded file size: | 139,508 bytes |
Size on calculator: | 10 KB |
Platforms: | 49/50 |
User rating: | 10/10 with 4 votes (you must be logged in to vote) |
Primary category: | Apps/Misc |
Languages: | ESP |
File date: | 2003-05-19 00:23:52 |
Source code: | Not included |
Download count: | 13,888 |
Version history: | 2003-05-19: Updated to version 1.7
2002-05-23: Updated to version 1.2
2002-04-30: Added to site
Archive contents: | Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
227328 04-22-03 08:21 LIB1150_Finanzas_hp49/LIB1150_Finanzas_hp49_v1.7.doc
9602 05-17-03 11:31 LIB1150_Finanzas_hp49/L1150
0 05-17-03 11:35 LIB1150_Finanzas_hp49/
-------- -------
236930 3 files |
Library contents: | LIB1150_Finanzas_hp49/L1150: Library 1150, Finanzas hp49G v1.7 - Elías Erick Valverde Aguilera - 2002
Screenshot: |  |
User comments: | Gregorhy Carreno
2003-06-02 23:04:34
Espectacula programa!!!!! Elias te pasaste !! nada mas que decir es lo que le faltaba a la Hp49. porfa Elias sigue con tu Hobbie que nos ayuda a todos !! salu2 |
| Carlos Insfran Navarro Cera
2004-01-19 18:24:54
Es un buen programa. Sólo lo falta graficar los flujos de caja. |
| e scaa
2005-06-10 07:57:36
It's a very good program... but could be better for some persons if you could do a translate to English, that is a original language of HP49G. If it's already exist I would like to know. My e-mail: |
| Daniel Castro
2008-02-01 02:13:16
Fantástico programa, fácil de usar y con una interfaz gráfica muy trabajada. Esencial para mejorar las capacidades financieras de las HP49/50G. |
| Samy Andreini
2009-08-02 07:50:58
Excellent library ! All you want is here. Ok for HP50G |
| Elías Valverde Aguilera
2009-09-04 14:39:37
Un aviso para quienes bajen mi biblioteca(versión 1.7).
Hay un error que se produce cuando se intenta calcular la TIR. Este error hace que no se realice el cálculo y vuelva al menú principal.
Se produce al existir la variable I%YR en HOME.
Solución: Borre la variable I%YR de HOME y vuelva a correr mi programa.
Les pido disculpas por esto. En la próxima versión definitiva y final esto estará corregido.
Saludos. |
| Leonel Carlos
2009-11-11 14:40:00
Hola Elías, soy brasileño, desculpa-me minha linguagem.
Sua solução não funcionou. (Your advice doesn't work)
Do you have another solution? Fix this problem?
Please e-mail-me:
Thankful |
| Leonel Carlos
2009-11-15 18:47:51
Olá, alguém pode me ajudar?
Please, somebody help me?
Thanks |
| sebastián acuña
2009-11-29 21:08:35
Hola .
Podrías agregar la depreciacion acelerada, ya que en Chile se usa masivamente, como consejo.
| Vero D
2025-03-01 23:37:42
I can't make it work. It gets copied in the HP50G but it doesn't get shown in the LIB menu, even when it's been moved to FLASH. Is it because it doesn't have a file extension? Thank you in advance!
No puedo hacerla funcionar. Se copia a la calculadora y la muevo a FLASH pero no aparece en el menú LIB. Es porque la librería no tiene extensión? Agradezco la ayuda!! |
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