Lemmings |
Description: | Lemmings clone: save the lemmings from killing themselves. Includes a level pack with 10 extra levels. |
Filename: | lemmings.zip |
ID: | 530 |
Authors: | Christophe Dupont de Dinechin: https://github.com/c3d
Jérémie F. Bellanger: https://web.archive.org/web/20071218194724/http://www.geocities.com/jfbellanger/hp48a.html |
Downloaded file size: | 41,412 bytes |
Size on calculator: | 12 KB |
Platforms: | 48 |
Recommended: | Get it! |
User rating: | 9/10 with 2 votes (you must be logged in to vote) |
Primary category: | Games/Arcade |
Languages: | FRA |
File date: | 2017-03-04 18:46:08 |
Source code: | Included |
Download count: | 7,891 |
Version history: | 2017-03-04: Updated (no version number specified)
1998-02-25: Updated (no version number specified)
1998-02-21: Updated (no version number specified)
1997-08-21: Added to site
Archive contents: | Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
1621 1998-02-18 15:44 LEMDAT
173 1998-02-25 16:59 lemdat.txt
2944 1995-02-20 14:30 lemedit.gx
2934 2014-04-15 12:36 lemedit.sx
65017 2017-03-02 23:25 Lemmings Source.48S
2455 1995-02-20 14:30 lemmings.doc
11520 1995-02-20 14:30 lemmings.gx
12562 1998-02-21 13:29 lemmings.sx
--------- -------
99226 8 files |
Library contents: | lemedit.gx: Library 1214, LEMEDIT Gx
lemedit.sx: Library 1214, LEMEDIT
lemmings.gx: Library 1213, LEMMINGS!
lemmings.sx: Library 1213, LEMMINGS!
Screenshot: |  |
User comments: | Ignacio Ornelas
2002-09-22 15:35:05
Trabaja algo lento, pero es efectivo. |
| Christophe de Dinechin
2009-05-19 16:46:24
Original source code here: http://cc3d.free.fr/HPDS3.0/HP48-Sources/Lemmings/Lemmings%202.48S
Thanks to Jeremie Bellanger for the additional levels.
2010-08-07 16:17:35
I was happy to create much more levels for your beautiful game, which was really impressive for the HP-48 ! My new website is : www.meruviagames.com. |
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