
Description:Allows setting setting date and time in a nice graphic environement with a running analog clock and a (month) calendar. The clock hands are moved with some keys as if you would move them on a real clock with your finger tips. Powerful calibration tools for the HP 49 clock are included as well. One can virtually browse through the calendar, in steps of a day, a week, a month or a year, even through the centuries. Thus, you see how the month calendar looks ten years from now, say, and make your plans. You can also easily set date and time after a battery collaps etc. There is also a world map with a moving noon meridian. Hence, so you'll know where it is noon at present. You can also set the 24 time-zone and in this way readily determine the local time of big towns in the whole world. Included are also fast alarm tools which allow setting repeat alarms of precisely one or several years, impossible with builtin tools. And you may play your own wake-up melody. Documentation in HTML.
Current version:1.2005
Author:Wolfgang Rautenberg: https://www.mi.fu-berlin.de/archive/raut/
Downloaded file size:26,396 bytes
Size on calculator:4 KB
Recommended:Get it!
User rating:10/10 with 1 vote (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Utils/Time
File date:2006-05-27 17:42:25
Source code:Not included
Download count:13,046
Version history:2006-05-27: Updated to version 1.2005
2003-07-03: Updated to version 7.2003
2003-05-25: Updated to version 6.2003
2003-05-08: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
       56  06-11-03 13:06   Abach
     2865  06-16-03 13:23   Timeman.gif
    23760  01-29-06 16:57   Timeman.htm
        0  06-23-05 19:49   Timeman.pic/
     2499  06-18-03 16:24   Timeman.pic/Alarm.gif
     1077  06-17-03 17:06   Timeman.pic/Aview.gif
     2865  06-15-03 15:49   Timeman.pic/Dset.gif
     1706  06-15-03 15:49   Timeman.pic/Noon.gif
     2394  06-15-03 15:49   Timeman.pic/Tset.gif
     3946  06-23-05 20:30   Timeman.lib
 --------                   -------
    41168                   10 files
Library contents:Timeman.lib: Library 400, Timeman 1.2005 WR
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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.