
Description:This paired set of aplets, based around the Function and Solve aplets, allow the user to quickly and easily find the features of functions such as intercepts and extrema using derivatives, automatically finding the derivative functions as part of the process. Obviously this is something which can already be done with the Function aplet but these two aplets automate the process by switching automatically between the abilities of the Function and Solve aplets. As an examination tool it is definitely worth having.
Author:Matt Grosvenor
Downloaded file size:194,174 bytes
Size on calculator:2 KB
User rating:Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Math
File date:2003-05-20 10:08:34
Source code:Not included
Download count:4,803
Version history:2003-05-20: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
   331304  03-11-02 17:13   Readme.pdf
       31  03-11-02 17:03   HP39DIR.CUR
      168  03-11-02 17:03   HP39DIR.000
      957  03-11-02 17:03   DFIND000.000
      194  03-11-02 17:03   DF100000.000
      418  03-11-02 17:03   DF200000.000
      355  03-11-02 17:03   DS100000.000
      284  03-11-02 17:03   SET00000.000
     1003  03-11-02 17:03   DSOLVE00.000
      221  03-11-02 17:03   DS200000.000
 --------                   -------
   334935                   10 files
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