Additional Functions

Description:Library of about 120 additional functions, including a nesting MENU replacement, secant/cosecant/cotangent, many other math functions, statistics functions, matrix functions, character and string functions, and many more. Designed for the 49g+/50g; seems to work on the 49G.
Current version:2.07
Author:Christopher Mark Gore
Downloaded file size:498,847 bytes
Size on calculator:16 KB
User rating:9.4/10 with 5 votes (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Math/Misc
Other categories:Utils/Misc
File date:2004-02-15 22:47:37
Source code:Included
Download count:14,433
Version history:2004-02-15: Updated to version 2.07
2004-02-03: Updated to version 2.06
2003-12-27: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
   535152  02-08-04 16:44
   249140  02-08-04 16:44   additional_functions.pdf
   192440  02-08-04 16:44   additional_functions.dvi
    16433  02-08-04 16:42   Lib1278.207
    18628  02-08-04 16:42   Lib1278K.207
    34114  02-08-04 16:42   Lib1278S.207
 --------                   -------
  1045907                   6 files
Library contents:Lib1278.207: Library 1278, Additional Functions
User comments:Ricardo Rudiger
2004-02-15 13:24:47
Fenomenal! Documentada y útil. Contiene muchísimas funciones por las que se suelen preguntar en los foros. A mi me ha facilitado muchas operaciones sencillas, pero que la HP no trae implementada. Y además, muy bien explicado en el manual.

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.