IP Subnet Calculator

Description:Determines information about a TCP/IP subnet with the help of conversions from octet string to binary and long and vice versa: IP address, base address, subnet mask, prefix (cidr notation), broadcast address, #hosts, class, and remarks.
Current version:1.0
Author:Juerg W. Buser
There are other authors.
Downloaded file size:17,479 bytes
Size on calculator:7 KB
Platforms:49/50 48  
User rating:9.5/10 with 2 votes (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Apps/Misc
File date:2010-12-15 22:43:04
Source code:Included
Download count:9,135
Version history:2010-12-15: Updated to version 1.0
2003-12-30: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
    32388  11-24-10 00:12   ipcalc.app
     6997  11-24-10 01:02   ipcalc48
     6997  11-24-10 01:04   ipcalc49
     9475  12-29-03 21:25   ipcalc.txt
 --------                   -------
    55857                   4 files
User comments:Daniel Korytina
2006-03-15 17:12:53
Can someone please convert this program to transfer in binary mode.
I want to be able to copy it on an SD card to put it on my hp49g+ (currently it's in a funky 'HP development format', so I can't even use the 'ASCII' program to convert it). Thanks.
jonathan narvaez
2019-10-15 13:25:26
alguien ha podido instarla en una hp50g?

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.