Emu48 for Windows CE Source Code

Description:Full source code and files for manual installation for Emu48 1.23 ported to Windows CE. Emulates an HP 48, HP 49, or HP 39/40 (ROMs included) and includes several KML scripts and bitmaps for palmtop (240x320 resolution) computers. Works on MIPS-based systems (Cassiopeia E-105) and ARM-based systems (iPaq) only.
Current version:1.23 Release 2
Authors:Sebastien Carlier
Juan Pablo Lopez Anadon
Leopoldo Bueno Castillo: http://www.leobueno.net/
There are other authors.
Downloaded file size:3,849,342 bytes
Platforms:49/50 48  
User rating:Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:PC/Emulators
File date:2003-12-31 12:37:17
Creation date:2002-01-21
Source code:Included
Download count:32,963
Version history:2004-01-04: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
        0  2002-01-21 22:59   emu48_123/
    17982  1995-11-04 13:43   emu48_123/COPYING.TXT
    11167  1997-04-27 17:05   emu48_123/CREATE.EXE
     2090  1997-04-27 17:08   emu48_123/CREATE.TXT
     5788  1999-10-06 22:17   emu48_123/DEBUGGER.TXT
    19062  1999-11-21 14:39   emu48_123/emu48.htm
     9921  2001-09-05 15:08   emu48_123/EMU48.TXT
    14890  1999-11-20 18:27   emu48_123/HP49.KML
        0  2002-01-21 22:59   emu48_123/HPC/
        0  2002-01-21 22:59   emu48_123/HPC/ARM/
   159744  2001-09-03 13:29   emu48_123/HPC/ARM/HP48.exe
        0  2002-01-21 22:59   emu48_123/HPC/MIPS/
   189440  2001-09-03 13:27   emu48_123/HPC/MIPS/HP48.exe
        0  2002-01-21 22:59   emu48_123/HPC/SH3/
   131584  2001-09-03 13:29   emu48_123/HPC/SH3/HP48.exe
        0  2002-01-21 22:59   emu48_123/HPC/SH4/
   131584  2001-09-03 13:33   emu48_123/HPC/SH4/HP48.exe
        0  2002-01-21 22:59   emu48_123/HPC20/
        0  2002-01-21 22:59   emu48_123/HPC20/MIPS/
   221184  2001-09-25 22:29   emu48_123/HPC20/MIPS/HP48.EXE
        0  2002-01-21 22:59   emu48_123/HPC20/SH3/
   161280  2001-09-25 22:29   emu48_123/HPC20/SH3/HP48.EXE
        0  2002-01-21 22:59   emu48_123/Install/
      760  1999-12-20 09:48   emu48_123/Install/cabwiz.ddf
      205  2001-09-05 12:55   emu48_123/Install/Copia de HP38.DAT
     2266  2001-12-09 22:45   emu48_123/Install/emu48.iss
      453  2001-12-09 22:42   emu48_123/Install/HP38.INF
      473  2001-12-09 22:43   emu48_123/Install/HP39.INF
       70  2001-09-05 12:52   emu48_123/Install/hp48.bat
      670  2001-12-09 22:43   emu48_123/Install/hp48.inf
      661  2001-12-09 22:43   emu48_123/Install/hp49.inf
    28672  2001-09-05 15:30   emu48_123/Install/install.exe
       69  2001-09-05 11:36   emu48_123/Install/kernel.bat
     1265  2001-12-09 22:42   emu48_123/Install/kernel.inf
     1764  2001-02-12 21:57   emu48_123/INSTALL.TXT
        0  2002-01-21 22:59   emu48_123/KMLS/
        0  2002-01-21 22:59   emu48_123/KMLS/hpc/
   378294  1998-11-19 16:46   emu48_123/KMLS/hpc/GXCEbig.bmp
     6457  1998-11-27 16:02   emu48_123/KMLS/hpc/GXCEbig.KML
    24790  1999-11-21 14:56   emu48_123/KMLS/hpc/resGXbig.zip
    22917  1999-11-21 14:57   emu48_123/KMLS/hpc/resGXbig4.zip
     3038  1997-03-19 20:47   emu48_123/KMLS/KEYBOARD.KMI
        0  2002-01-21 22:59   emu48_123/KMLS/PC/
    61558  1997-03-05 18:04   emu48_123/KMLS/PC/JC.BMP
     4085  1997-04-10 20:47   emu48_123/KMLS/PC/JC.KML
   172366  1999-10-10 01:11   emu48_123/KMLS/PC/R49G0800.BMP
     8779  2000-06-20 20:03   emu48_123/KMLS/PC/R49G0800.KML
  4194304  2000-05-25 18:28   emu48_123/KMLS/PC/rom.e49
        0  2002-01-21 22:59   emu48_123/KMLS/PPC/
    77880  2001-02-11 12:46   emu48_123/KMLS/PPC/Hp38g.bmp
    10509  2001-02-11 15:42   emu48_123/KMLS/PPC/Hp38g.kml
    10524  2001-02-11 15:42   emu48_123/KMLS/PPC/Hp38g_64.kml
    77876  2001-02-11 12:44   emu48_123/KMLS/PPC/hp39g.bmp
    10003  2001-02-11 15:42   emu48_123/KMLS/PPC/Hp39g.kml
    10003  2001-02-11 16:59   emu48_123/KMLS/PPC/hp40g.kml
    38518  2000-06-25 15:49   emu48_123/KMLS/PPC/hp48v.bmp
     4512  2000-06-25 16:14   emu48_123/KMLS/PPC/hp48v.kml
    77878  1999-11-20 21:09   emu48_123/KMLS/PPC/Hp49.bmp
    14890  1999-11-20 18:27   emu48_123/KMLS/PPC/HP49.KML
    38518  2000-03-11 13:07   emu48_123/KMLS/PPC/Hp49mono.bmp
    14607  2000-03-09 20:38   emu48_123/KMLS/PPC/Hp49mono.kml
     3038  1997-03-19 20:47   emu48_123/KMLS/PPC/KEYBOARD.KMI
    73798  1999-11-07 21:36   emu48_123/KMLS/PPC/Leo 48gx.bmp
     5972  1999-11-07 21:39   emu48_123/KMLS/PPC/leo 48GX.kml
    77878  1999-11-13 21:45   emu48_123/KMLS/PPC/Leo49_2.bmp
     8419  1999-11-14 17:12   emu48_123/KMLS/PPC/LEO49_2.KML
   230454  1999-11-12 21:51   emu48_123/KMLS/PPC/LEOFULL2.BMP
    13150  1999-11-12 23:56   emu48_123/KMLS/PPC/LEOFULL2.KML
    73798  1999-11-07 21:36   emu48_123/KMLS/PPC/LEO_48GX.BMP
    38518  2000-06-20 23:46   emu48_123/KMLS/PPC/ppc2xv.bmp
     6841  2000-06-20 23:37   emu48_123/KMLS/PPC/Ppc2xv.kml
    36478  1999-11-07 23:54   emu48_123/KMLS/PPC/SIMPLE.BMP
     5811  1999-11-07 23:35   emu48_123/KMLS/PPC/SIMPLE.KML
    36478  1999-06-01 23:19   emu48_123/KMLS/PPC/Wombat 48GX.2bp
     4534  2000-10-05 12:34   emu48_123/KMLS/PPC/Wombat 48GX.kml
    21504  1996-12-18 21:41   emu48_123/MKSHARED.EXE
        0  2002-01-21 22:59   emu48_123/Palm Size PC/
   189440  2002-01-21 20:33   emu48_123/Palm Size PC/HP48.exe
        0  2002-01-21 22:59   emu48_123/Palm Size PC/MIPS/
   189440  2002-01-14 22:22   emu48_123/Palm Size PC/MIPS/HP48.exe
        0  2002-01-21 22:59   emu48_123/Palm Size PC/SH3/
   131584  2002-01-21 20:33   emu48_123/Palm Size PC/SH3/HP48.exe
        0  2002-01-21 22:59   emu48_123/PocketPC/
        0  2002-01-21 22:59   emu48_123/PocketPC/ARM/
   161280  2002-01-21 21:14   emu48_123/PocketPC/ARM/HP48.exe
        0  2002-01-21 22:59   emu48_123/PocketPC/MIPS/
   188416  2002-01-21 21:14   emu48_123/PocketPC/MIPS/HP48.exe
        0  2002-01-21 22:59   emu48_123/PocketPC/SH3/
   131584  2002-01-21 21:14   emu48_123/PocketPC/SH3/HP48.exe
     1876  1999-11-19 22:36   emu48_123/PROBLEMS.TXT
     1019  1999-10-20 23:39   emu48_123/README.TXT
        0  2002-01-21 22:59   emu48_123/ROMs/
  1048576  1998-05-15 18:16   emu48_123/ROMs/rom.38g
  2097152  2001-01-25 11:03   emu48_123/ROMs/ROM.39G
  1048576  1998-02-20 13:15   emu48_123/ROMs/rom.48g
  4194304  2000-05-25 17:28   emu48_123/ROMs/rom.e49
  1048576  2000-01-18 10:40   emu48_123/ROMs/ROM64K.38G
        0  2002-01-21 22:59   emu48_123/Source/
      598  2000-09-09 19:10   emu48_123/Source/BITMAP1.BMP
    29610  1999-10-21 17:41   emu48_123/Source/CHANGES.TXT
      250  2000-09-27 19:05   emu48_123/Source/CHECKBOX.BMP
      702  1999-09-14 13:44   emu48_123/Source/COLOR.H
     3685  1999-09-23 10:53   emu48_123/Source/DDESERV.C
    62341  2001-02-10 16:35   emu48_123/Source/Debugger.c
      840  2001-02-09 22:20   emu48_123/Source/DEBUGGER.H
    42020  2000-06-23 23:51   emu48_123/Source/DISASM.C
    16462  2001-09-03 10:49   emu48_123/Source/DISPLAY.C
     2485  2001-02-14 13:15   emu48_123/Source/em49g.inf
      415  2001-02-14 13:26   emu48_123/Source/em49g.PSPC_MIPS.DAT
    50039  2001-09-03 13:15   emu48_123/Source/Emu48.c
     9450  2001-09-03 11:27   emu48_123/Source/EMU48.H
     3310  2001-02-11 20:40   emu48_123/Source/Emu48.ico
    23195  2001-02-11 20:40   emu48_123/Source/EMU48.RC
   208712  2001-12-09 22:33   emu48_123/Source/EMU48CE.APS
    10680  2001-12-09 22:33   emu48_123/Source/EMU48CE.RC
    18624  2001-02-14 15:18   emu48_123/Source/ENGINE.C
     1861  2000-07-13 00:39   emu48_123/Source/EXTERNAL.C
    12195  1999-09-19 23:17   emu48_123/Source/FETCH.C
    39685  2001-07-26 15:41   emu48_123/Source/Files.c
    67155  1999-11-20 19:35   emu48_123/Source/HP48.DSP
      720  1999-11-20 19:26   emu48_123/Source/HP48.DSW
   132096  2001-09-03 13:41   emu48_123/Source/HP48.ncb
    67155  1999-11-20 19:35   emu48_123/Source/HP48.OLD
    65024  2001-09-03 13:41   emu48_123/Source/HP48.OPT
   222208  2002-01-21 20:18   emu48_123/Source/HP48.VCB
    57465  2002-01-21 21:14   emu48_123/Source/HP48.VCL
    62976  2002-01-21 20:18   emu48_123/Source/HP48.VCO
    72891  2002-01-14 23:08   emu48_123/Source/HP48.vcp
      536  2001-07-26 09:34   emu48_123/Source/HP48.VCW
     5409  2001-09-03 13:41   emu48_123/Source/hp48x86.dsp
     1252  2001-09-03 13:40   emu48_123/Source/hp48x86.plg
    19203  2000-03-16 00:51   emu48_123/Source/I28F160.C
     1337  2000-03-11 00:46   emu48_123/Source/I28F160.H
     4895  2001-02-08 21:56   emu48_123/Source/IO.H
     2894  2001-02-27 09:14   emu48_123/Source/Keyboard.c
    45031  2002-01-21 20:26   emu48_123/Source/Kml.c
     2304  2001-02-08 21:02   emu48_123/Source/KML.H
    47640  2001-02-11 17:54   emu48_123/Source/Mops.c
      966  2000-09-11 21:21   emu48_123/Source/NEWRES.H
    48864  2001-02-10 15:32   emu48_123/Source/OPCODES.C
    17320  2000-06-24 00:28   emu48_123/Source/OPCODES.H
     8687  2000-06-24 00:30   emu48_123/Source/OPS.H
       38  1997-07-19 19:34   emu48_123/Source/PCH.C
      278  2001-02-11 23:23   emu48_123/Source/Pch.h
     2461  1999-11-13 18:54   emu48_123/Source/PPC48.RC
     1270  2000-06-24 20:51   emu48_123/Source/PRUEBAS.BMP
     5052  2001-02-11 21:25   emu48_123/Source/REGISTRY.C
      516  1998-02-03 17:06   emu48_123/Source/REGISTRY.H
     6639  1999-11-11 21:54   emu48_123/Source/RES2.H
     7012  2001-12-09 22:33   emu48_123/Source/resce.h
     7978  2001-02-09 21:06   emu48_123/Source/RESOURCE.H
     8234  2001-02-08 21:49   emu48_123/Source/RPL.C
     6787  2001-02-08 22:26   emu48_123/Source/SERIAL.C
     1489  1999-01-04 23:30   emu48_123/Source/SERIAL.H
     7414  2001-07-26 14:41   emu48_123/Source/TIMER.C
     2799  2000-06-24 00:39   emu48_123/Source/TYPES.H
     6587  2001-02-14 11:27   emu48_123/Source/Wince.c
     2846  2002-01-21 20:03   emu48_123/Source/Wince.h
        0  2002-01-21 22:59   emu48_123/X86/
   204800  2001-09-03 13:40   emu48_123/X86/hp48x86.exe
---------                     -------
 19207231                     160 files
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Part of the HP Calculator Archive,
Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.