RJ Drawings |
Description: | Shows drawings, animations and mathematics curves. Includes 36 programs in 40G algebraic language. |
Filename: | rjdrawings.zip |
ID: | 5938 |
Author: | RĂ©mi Janelle |
Downloaded file size: | 17,123 bytes |
Size on calculator: | 21 KB |
Platforms: | 39/40 |
User rating: | Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote) |
Primary category: | Graphics |
Languages: | ENG |
File date: | 2004-01-05 21:43:33 |
Source code: | Not included |
Download count: | 4,064 |
Version history: | 2004-01-05: Added to site
Archive contents: | Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
490 12-07-03 17:38 BALL0000.000
995 12-07-03 17:37 BODY0000.000
472 12-07-03 17:35 BRIDGE00.000
447 12-07-03 17:34 CIRCLE00.000
585 12-07-03 17:32 CIRCLINE.000
593 12-07-03 17:23 CONCENTR.000
513 12-07-03 17:19 CONIC000.000
594 12-07-03 17:18 CONIC2SI.000
510 12-07-03 17:16 CUBE0000.000
557 12-07-03 17:14 CUSHION0.000
761 12-07-03 17:14 CYLINDER.000
599 12-07-03 17:12 EYES0000.000
447 12-07-03 17:11 FLOWER00.000
933 12-07-03 17:38 HP39DIR.000
31 12-07-03 16:25 HP39DIR.CUR
548 12-07-03 17:09 LENZ0000.000
543 12-07-03 17:08 MULTIGON.000
512 12-07-03 17:07 OCTOGON0.000
465 12-07-03 17:06 OVOIDSPI.000
571 12-07-03 17:04 PAPERLOG.000
482 12-07-03 17:03 PAPERSQU.000
749 12-07-03 17:02 PARABOL0.000
630 12-07-03 17:00 PSYCHEDE.000
1661 12-07-03 16:53 READ ME Licence & How to use.txt
479 12-07-03 16:59 RECT3D00.000
584 12-07-03 16:58 ROSE0000.000
455 12-07-03 16:56 SPIRAL00.000
454 12-07-03 16:42 SPRING3D.000
492 12-07-03 16:40 SQUARE00.000
492 12-07-03 16:39 SQUAREMO.000
596 12-07-03 16:37 TUBE0000.000
517 12-07-03 16:36 WAITBOX0.000
443 12-07-03 16:34 WHEEL3D0.000
768 12-07-03 19:11 XINDEX00.000
315 12-07-03 16:27 XLASTGRA.000
322 12-07-03 16:29 XMOVEMEM.000
415 12-07-03 16:30 XORGRAPH.000
313 12-07-03 16:54 XSHOWG90.000
-------- -------
21333 38 files |
User comments: | No comments at this time. |
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