
Description:Adaptation of the well-known program FEM49 v5.3 so that it shows the following results: Vector of reduced charges to the knots, rigidity matrix of any element with respect to the global, rigidity matrix of the first system of assembled, modified rigidity matrix according to the restrictions, rigidity matrix of any element with respect to local axes, forces transformation matrix, and transformation matrices for both displacements and displacements and forces in the ends of the elements. This program is essentially the same as FEM49 v5.3 but it now shows more information.
Current version:0.2
Author:Edmundo Canchari GutiƩrrez
Downloaded file size:472,120 bytes
Size on calculator:32 KB
User rating:Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Science/Civil
File date:2006-05-14 22:47:19
Source code:Not included
Download count:9,458
Version history:2006-05-14: Updated to version 0.2
2005-05-01: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
   536359  05-06-06 14:00   manual.pdf
     1387  03-12-05 01:09   dibujo.gif
    31824  03-12-05 01:55   FEM49v5.3
 --------                   -------
   569570                   3 files
Library contents:FEM49v5.3: Library 1605, FEM49 :5.3 c03 CL/NL
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