Description:With this library you can calculate the length of a curve, the integral along a contour, the residue of a function around a given point, calculate a particular type of integral of f(sin(x),cos(x)), the Laplace transform using the definition, all the roots of a number (real or complex), and these is a command to speed up the writing of differential equations. This library was created to work with the 49G/g+ (everything is done in User RPL).
Author:Mauro Santos
Downloaded file size:4,696 bytes
Size on calculator:3 KB
User rating:10/10 with 1 vote (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Math/Symbolic
File date:2005-05-01 22:27:34
Source code:Not included
Download count:7,054
Version history:2005-05-01: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
     2339  04-22-05 00:32   APMATH.LIB.hp
     5910  04-22-05 14:44   HELPAPMATH.T49
      100  04-22-05 00:35   Readme.txt
 --------                   -------
     8349                   3 files
Library contents:APMATH.LIB.hp: Library 1006, APMATH
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