Galois Field

Description:The Galois Field library is a collection of basic calculations of Galois field GF(q) with q equal to p^n where p is a prime number and n is a positive integer, that is, a finite field F_q. This library includes commands of multiplication and division on GF(q), factorization of a polynomial over GF(q), kernel of a matrix over GF(q), the minimal polynomial of an element of GF(q) over GF(p), and more. The latest versions of the libraries FACTMOD and KERMOD are contained. Includes PDF documentation.
Current version:1.10
Author:Takashi Matsubara
Downloaded file size:127,716 bytes
Size on calculator:20-22 KB
User rating:10/10 with 1 vote (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Math/Symbolic
File date:2008-12-31 16:17:33
Source code:Not included
Download count:7,090
Version history:2008-12-31: Updated to version 1.10
2007-09-25: Updated to version 1.06
2006-12-23: Updated to version 1.03
2005-11-25: Updated to version 1.02
2005-09-10: Updated to version 1.01
2005-09-03: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
    22073  12-26-08 02:01   gfwhelp.hp
    20076  12-26-08 02:04   gfwohelp196.hp
    20071  12-26-08 02:03   gfwohelp.hp
      112  11-17-05 17:03   ^GbENTER.hp
      147  11-17-05 18:50   ^GbENTER.txt
   111950  12-26-08 02:19   readme.pdf
    22078  12-26-08 02:02   gfwhelp196.hp
 --------                   -------
   196507                   7 files
Library contents:gfwhelp.hp: Library 767, GaloisField v1.10
gfwohelp196.hp: Library 767, GaloisField v1.10
gfwohelp.hp: Library 767, GaloisField v1.10
gfwhelp196.hp: Library 767, GaloisField v1.10
User comments:Garth Rose
2023-03-20 21:25:21
Very buggy! There's no error handling to speak of, it crashes my calc if it gets input it isn't expecting.

That said, this fills a much-needed niche and I hope it gets fixed.

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.