Description:Expects to find an algebraic expression in level 3, a name in level 2, and a number in level 1, where the expression is taken as a polynomial of order "number" in the variable "name". It returns a list of the polynomial coefficients in order of decreasing power.
Author:William C Wickes
Downloaded file size:1,094 bytes
Size on calculator:1 KB
User rating:Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Math/Symbolic
File date:2008-08-19 22:38:01
Source code:Included
Download count:1,619
Version history:2008-08-19: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
      203  05-16-90 23:12   PCOEF
     1300  05-25-90 03:14   PCOEF.DOC
 --------                   -------
     1503                   2 files
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