Description:HP50GPS is a set of programs designed to capture, display and save GPS data on the HP50g calculator via the serial port. The programs are written in User RPL and System RPL and require an NMEA 2.2 complaint serial GPS unit and a serial cable. An SD card is required to save collected GPS data. Code was developed and tested using the cable available at the commerce site of hpcalc.org. Package includes binary program files, plain-text source code and user's guide.
Current version:1.0
Author:Pepin Torres
Downloaded file size:113,747 bytes
Size on calculator:10 KB
User rating:10/10 with 1 vote (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Apps/Misc
Other categories:Science/MiscUtils/Comms
File date:2008-12-06 21:08:03
Source code:Included
Download count:3,728
Version history:2008-12-06: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
      161  12-01-08 21:15   bin/ACTIV.hp
      310  12-01-08 21:15   bin/CHKSUM.hp
       96  12-01-08 21:15   bin/GGA.hp
      151  12-01-08 21:15   bin/GGA.u.hp
     1474  12-01-08 21:15   bin/GPS.hp
       96  12-01-08 21:15   bin/GSA.hp
      150  12-01-08 21:15   bin/GSA.u.hp
       96  12-01-08 21:15   bin/GSV.hp
      150  12-01-08 21:15   bin/GSV.u.hp
      315  12-01-08 21:15   bin/HOWFAR.hp
      457  12-01-08 21:15   bin/LOGGR.hp
     3260  12-01-08 21:15   bin/POSIT.hp
       96  12-01-08 21:15   bin/RMC.hp
      151  12-01-08 21:15   bin/RMC.u.hp
     2582  12-01-08 21:15   bin/TRACK.hp
      161  12-01-08 21:15   bin/VISI.hp
        0  12-01-08 21:18   bin/
      212  12-01-08 21:19   txt/ACTIV.txt
      383  12-01-08 21:19   txt/CHKSUM.txt
      177  12-01-08 21:19   txt/GGA.txt
      184  12-01-08 21:19   txt/GGA.u.txt
     1598  12-01-08 21:19   txt/GPS.txt
      182  12-01-08 21:19   txt/GSA.txt
      183  12-01-08 21:19   txt/GSA.u.txt
      182  12-01-08 21:19   txt/GSV.txt
      183  12-01-08 21:19   txt/GSV.u.txt
      276  12-01-08 21:19   txt/HOWFAR.txt
      820  12-01-08 21:19   txt/LOGGR.txt
     3224  12-01-08 21:19   txt/POSIT.txt
      177  12-01-08 21:19   txt/RMC.txt
      184  12-01-08 21:19   txt/RMC.u.txt
     2585  12-01-08 21:19   txt/TRACK.txt
      212  12-01-08 21:19   txt/VISI.txt
        0  12-01-08 21:14   txt/
   111364  12-01-08 21:11   HP50GPS Users Guide.pdf
      472  12-01-08 21:25   README.txt
 --------                   -------
   132304                   36 files
User comments:Pepin Torres
2024-05-05 10:44:54
This code has been pushed into GitHub as a public project: https://github.com/tranka2010/HPGPS/

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Part of the HP Calculator Archive,
Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.