Salario Liquido |
Description: | The program calculates the taxes deducted from gross salary of Brazilian workers. The values of the Income Tax (IRPF) and Social Security (INSS) are shown on screen output with the net value of the salary of the employee. Updated rates for 2010. |
Filename: | |
ID: | 7203 |
Current version: | 4.1 |
Author: | Tiago Duarte da Silva: |
Downloaded file size: | 4,248 bytes |
Size on calculator: | 2 KB |
Platforms: | 49/50 |
User rating: | Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote) |
Primary category: | Apps/Misc |
Languages: | ENG POR |
File date: | 2010-06-06 15:31:14 |
Source code: | Not included |
Download count: | 1,054 |
Version history: | 2010-06-06: Added to site
Archive contents: | Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
1441 04-29-10 00:02 liq4150g_users_guide.txt
1175 04-28-10 23:16 liq4150g
2484 04-28-10 23:39 liq41_50g.png
-------- -------
5100 3 files |
Screenshot: |  |
User comments: | No comments at this time. |
| You must be logged in to add your own comment. |