Topografía I (Poligonal Cerrada)

Description:Program for closed polygon calculation for topography. Requires the user to enter the internal angles (without compensation) and the distance between the sections, and also the azimuth (direct or reverse) on either side of the polygon, and the coordinate of any topographic point in the polygon.
Current version:0.1
Author:José Antonio Caballero Culca
Downloaded file size:514,098 bytes
Size on calculator:17 KB
User rating:10/10 with 1 vote (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Science/Civil
File date:2010-09-12 18:41:19
Source code:Not included
Download count:2,869
Version history:2010-09-12: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
        0  09-11-10 19:01   TOPOGRAFIA 1/
     1756  01-26-03 20:39   TOPOGRAFIA 1/INFORMITT
    10543  11-05-04 02:11   TOPOGRAFIA 1/LIBRERIA1299.HP
   534704  09-02-10 07:52   TOPOGRAFIA 1/MANUAL TOPO1.pdf
     5137  03-28-09 14:44   TOPOGRAFIA 1/VERLIST.HP
 --------                   -------
   552140                   5 files
Library contents:TOPOGRAFIA 1/INFORMITT: Library 1538,
TOPOGRAFIA 1/LIBRERIA1299.HP: Library 1299,  POLIGONAL CERRADA V.01 Por: José Caballero Culca
TOPOGRAFIA 1/VERLIST.HP: Library 1039, VERLIST V1.02 por César Vásquez Alvarado
User comments:Marcial Joo Ayala
2011-05-16 22:08:01
Hola cuando termino de hacer los pasos como haces en tu manual me sale en los resultados NOVAL lo cual no me deja apreciar los datos de procedimiento, podrías ayudarme con eso

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