Root Locus

Description:Draws the root locus of a given transfer function and lets you add a PID regulator to see how it changes. It also lets you change the value of 'k' to see if the system is stable or unstable, and see the poles for that value. It works with continuous and discrete systems. Coded with HP-GCC 2.0 for the 50g only.
Description (2):Te permite ver el lugar de las raíces de cualquier función de transferencia dada y añadir un regulador. Puedes modificar el valor de 'k' de una forma rápida y ver si el sistema con esa ganancia sería estable o inestable. También puedes ver las posiciones de los polos para esa ganancia.
Current version:0.3
Author:Antonio Niño Díaz:
Downloaded file size:482,316 bytes
Size on calculator:56 KB
User rating:10/10 with 1 vote (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Science/Electricity
Languages:ENG ESP  
File date:2012-09-18 22:52:13
Source code:Included
Download count:2,599
Version history:2012-09-18: Updated to version 0.3
2012-09-15: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
    74623  2012-01-21 13:27   GPL_ENG.rtf
    96051  2012-01-21 13:24   GPL_ESP.rtf
   525847  2012-04-07 13:52   MANUAL_ENG.pdf
   525943  2012-04-07 13:52   MANUAL_ESP.pdf
     1278  2012-01-27 22:00   screen.gif
    55953  2012-04-08 11:17   RLOCUS3.LIB
   280562  2012-04-08 11:18   source.rar
---------                     -------
  1560257                     7 files
Library contents:RLOCUS3.LIB: Library 1693, RLOCUS 0.3 by Antonio Niño Díaz
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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.