
Description:MultiStopwatch is a library for the HP 49g+/50g (only) that provides standard stopwatch functions, but with the following additional features: 3 independent timers per data file, with a real-time console application to show them, console app manipulates timers at native Saturn speed (not ARM, but as accurate as is feasible with the clock on these systems), data is maintained between sessions, so the timers continue to run while performing other operations on the calculator. Can be run from ports 0-2. Most stopwatch functions have corresponding User RPL commands available. Supports printing to the HP 82240B (or compatible) printer.
Current version:1.0.0
Author:David Mutter:
Downloaded file size:431,106 bytes
Size on calculator:19 KB
User rating:10/10 with 2 votes (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Utils/Time
Languages:ENG ESP DEU  
File date:2013-12-22 13:22:02
Source code:Not included
Download count:507
Version history:2013-12-22: Updated (no version number specified)
2013-09-14: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
        0  11-11-13 10:16   MultiStopwatch/
      903  11-18-13 11:40   MultiStopwatch/MSW Change Log.txt
   430893  08-03-13 21:55   MultiStopwatch/MSW Documentation.pdf
    18617  08-04-13 07:37   MultiStopwatch/MultiStopwatchDE.hp
    18520  08-04-13 07:37   MultiStopwatch/MultiStopwatchEN.hp
    18639  11-11-13 09:46   MultiStopwatch/MultiStopwatchES.hp
      619  11-11-13 09:50   MultiStopwatch/README.txt
 --------                   -------
   488191                   7 files
Library contents:MultiStopwatch/MultiStopwatchDE.hp: Library 1417, MulSW: MultiStopwatch
MultiStopwatch/MultiStopwatchEN.hp: Library 1417, MulSW: MultiStopwatch
MultiStopwatch/MultiStopwatchES.hp: Library 1417, MulSW: MultiStopwatch
User comments:Pierfrancesco Aiello
2013-09-15 04:02:54

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Copyright 1997-2025 Eric Rechlin.