
Description:This is a very basic and straight forward approach to programming the Mandelbrot set on the Prime. It just shows how programming and using complex numbers/variables in a program work on the Prime. It is in no way optimized for speed, neither mathematically nor in terms of implementation. Also, it's not a Prime App (thus not using the Symb/Plot/Num and their Setup keys) and has no interactivity (like zooming) at all. The area of the Mandelbrot set is defined by setting the corresponding variables in the source code. Take it as a starting point for your further explorations, be it in Prime programming or in math. And feel free to expand it and maybe make an App out of it with interactivity.
Author:Stefan Wolfrum
Downloaded file size:47,908 bytes
Size on calculator:5 KB
User rating:Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Graphics
File date:2013-12-22 12:11:56
Source code:Included
Download count:1,406
Version history:2013-12-22: Updated (no version number specified)
2013-10-05: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
      444  2013-09-15 09:33   colorize.hpprgm
      470  2013-09-15 09:31   iteracion.hpprgm
      782  2013-09-15 09:32   LSclr.hpprgm
     2876  2013-09-15 09:33   MANDELBROT.hpprgm
    13953  2013-10-08 06:21   mandelbrot.png
     2429  2013-10-08 06:21   mandelbrot.txt
    31173  2013-10-08 06:21   mandelbrot2.png
---------                     -------
    52127                     7 files
User comments:Simon Bryntse
2021-08-15 13:59:38
I believe something went wrong with the uploading of this one, because the LSclr part differs from the version found at

That causes this version to colorize the fractal in a much uglier fashion... But if I fix LSclr then it renders just like on the image. The difference is in such a way that makes me think something went wrong too, as it makes very little sense at all. So I recommend changing the LSclr part according to the link above as that will make the fractal look a lot nicer.
Stefan Wolfrum
2024-04-02 08:32:46
Thanks for pointing that out, Simon! :-)
It was a loooong time ago when I made this. Maybe it's due to firmware changes since then ...

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