Matrix Calculation of Structures

Description:Set of four spreadsheets to do calculations on Articulated Structures, Reticulated Structures with rigid nodes, Structures Mixed, with nodes rigid and articulated, and Gratings when the forces are applied perpendicular to the beams, such as decks. Each spreadsheet calculates the stiffness matrix of the beams, the translation and rotation matrix, and you can assembly the stiffness matrix of the structure.
Downloaded file size:1,367,112 bytes
Size on calculator:33-142 KB
User rating:10/10 with 1 vote (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Science
File date:2015-08-19 00:04:19
Source code:Not included
Download count:3,672
Version history:2015-08-19: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
        0  08-16-15 16:15   1.Articulated Structures/
    33810  02-18-15 17:40   1.Articulated Structures/Articulada Plana..hpapp
      148  02-18-15 17:40   1.Articulated Structures/Articulada Plana..hpappnote
       22  02-18-15 17:40   1.Articulated Structures/Articulada Plana..hpappprgm
   556226  02-18-15 17:57   1.Articulated Structures/Articulated Structures.pdf
        0  08-16-15 16:15   2.Reticulated Structures/
    29988  01-29-15 12:45   2.Reticulated Structures/Reticulada Plana..hpapp
      148  01-29-15 12:45   2.Reticulated Structures/Reticulada Plana..hpappnote
       22  01-29-15 12:45   2.Reticulated Structures/Reticulada Plana..hpappprgm
   406714  02-18-15 18:02   2.Reticulated Structures/Reticulated Structures.pdf
        0  08-16-15 16:15   3.Mixed Structures/
   313446  02-17-15 23:36   3.Mixed Structures/Mixed Structures.pdf
    40598  01-29-15 12:45   3.Mixed Structures/Mixta.hpapp
      148  01-29-15 12:45   3.Mixed Structures/Mixta.hpappnote
       22  01-29-15 12:45   3.Mixed Structures/Mixta.hpappprgm
        0  08-16-15 16:15   4.Girder/
    39802  01-29-15 12:45   4.Girder/Emparrillados.hpapp
      148  01-29-15 12:45   4.Girder/Emparrillados.hpappnote
       22  01-29-15 12:45   4.Girder/Emparrillados.hpappprgm
   167825  02-17-15 17:21   4.Girder/Girder.pdf
     4352  08-16-15 16:15   structures.htm
 --------                   -------
  1593441                   21 files
User comments:David Nizama
2016-11-30 22:40:37
Hola amigo que tal, pude instalar los programas 3 y 4 pero el 1 y 2 no se pega .. a que crees que se deba??
Jhenny Calderón
2021-06-07 21:30:26
hello, I tried several ways to install the program, but they do not work. Please if you could fix that please, and if I followed your instructions and nothing

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