Tic-Tac-Max |
Description: | The developer wanted to learn about the miniMax algorithm, so he wrote this tic-tac-toe game and implemented miniMax so you could play a game against your Prime, with a full touch screen interface. It checks through 7! (5040) possible moves to make its move. |
Filename: | tic_tac_max.zip |
ID: | 7743 |
Current version: | 1.0 |
Author: | Daniel S. Maupin |
Downloaded file size: | 138,828 bytes |
Size on calculator: | 13 KB |
Platforms: | Prime |
User rating: | Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote) |
Primary category: | Games |
Languages: | ENG |
File date: | 2017-02-10 21:46:34 |
Source code: | Included |
Download count: | 2,006 |
Version history: | 2017-02-10: Added to site
Archive contents: | Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
12584 2016-10-31 15:55 TIC_TAC_MAX.hpprgm
26967 2016-11-01 08:29 TIC_TAC_MAX.PNG
1125912 2016-11-01 08:38 TIC_TAC_MAX.rtf
25154 2016-11-01 08:28 TIC_TAC_MAX.txt
--------- -------
1190617 4 files |
Screenshot: |  |
User comments: | Jimmy Yang
2017-12-04 21:56:12
I wonder how to type X:=B→R(touch(1,1)); Y:=B→R(touch(1,2)); in the calculator? I got an error every time.
| Daniel Maupin
2017-12-19 07:48:53
Jimmy - Shift 9 then moving right one square on the top row should get you the symbol you need. |
| You must be logged in to add your own comment. |