Fiber Optics Equation Library

Description:Extensive library of equations that can be used in a course in Fiber Optics. The variables may vary slightly, but a variable description is provided in each topics before the program is transferred to the Solver. There are a total of ~130 variables all listed with a description. If you are familiar with Prime programming, you can append your own equations to expand the library. Includes comprehensive PDF documentation.
Current version:2.0
Author:Bernard Michaud
Downloaded file size:337,852 bytes
Size on calculator:70 KB
User rating:Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Science
File date:2019-10-17 00:21:04
Creation date:2019-10-13
Source code:Included
Download count:1,566
Version history:2019-10-25: Updated to version 2.0
2017-02-11: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
   331173  2074-11-16 22:50   Fiber Optics 2.pdf
        0  2053-02-27 07:08   Fiber Optics.hpappdir/
     1890  2017-06-02 07:57   Fiber Optics.hpappdir/icon.png
     3716  2001-04-13 02:14   Fiber Optics.hpappdir/prop
     2390  1986-09-16 20:50   Fiber Optics.hpappdir/Resist
     2636  2100-02-20 14:25   Fiber Optics.hpappdir/sysdesgn
    43646  1983-05-18 22:32   Fiber Optics.hpappdir/Fiber Optics.hpappprgm
     1244  2053-02-03 23:55   Fiber Optics.hpappdir/modul
      264  2036-10-28 04:45   Fiber Optics.hpappdir/Fiber Optics.hpappnote
      652  2028-08-28 15:04   Fiber Optics.hpappdir/Cap
     1554  2038-07-10 19:31   Fiber Optics.hpappdir/optscrc
     1936  2093-09-01 16:29   Fiber Optics.hpappdir/tranrec
     3440  2043-05-12 10:54   Fiber Optics.hpappdir/light
     1384  2065-12-19 14:34   Fiber Optics.hpappdir/fabric
      210  2064-05-01 08:02   Fiber Optics.hpappdir/EqVars
     1288  2051-05-25 10:10   Fiber Optics.hpappdir/Fiber Optics.hpapp
     1732  2070-10-20 06:58   Fiber Optics.hpappdir/connect
     2698  2015-11-08 06:38   Fiber Optics.hpappdir/photdet
---------                     -------
   401853                     18 files
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