Method of Weighted Residual

Description:Prior to development of the Finite Element Method, there existed an approximation technique for solving differential equations called the Method of Weighted Residuals (MWR). For Galerkin's method, the test function w comes from the chosen trial function, i.e. w = du/da and the weighted average of the residual over the problem domain is set to zero. This program returns the trial function. It is shown plotted with the exact solution for 0<x<1.
Author:M. Brethen
Downloaded file size:592,069 bytes
Size on calculator:1 KB
User rating:Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Math
File date:2017-04-15 16:45:26
Source code:Included
Download count:315
Version history:2017-04-15: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
     7961  2017-04-15 16:39   galerkin.html
   738767  2017-04-15 16:32   galerkin_ex1.pdf
     3056  2017-04-15 16:34   GALERKN.txt
---------                     -------
   749784                     3 files
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