High Performance

Description:Based on the game High Performance #1, written for the 48. The screen is divided into 9 rectangular parts (3*3), and each digit (1-9) corresponds to a random combination of rectangle that will be blacked out. From a white screen, you have to blacken the 9 zones. To add to the challenge, if one or more areas of the screen are already blackened from the combination of the number played, they become white again.
Description (2):Une adaptation d'un programme pour HP 48 parût dans HAUTE PERFORMANCE n°1 (1992). Le but du jeu : l'écran est divisé en 9 parties rectangulaires (3*3), chaque chiffre (1-9) correspond à une combinaison aléatoire de rectangle qui seront noircis. A partir d'un écran blanc, il faut noircir les 9 zones, difficulté si une ou plusieurs zones de l'écran déjà noircies correspondent avec la combinaison du chiffre joué celles-ci redeviennent blanches.
Author: Tyann
Downloaded file size:5,339 bytes
Size on calculator:7 KB
User rating:Not yet rated (you must be logged in to vote)
Primary category:Games
File date:2017-05-20 14:22:12
Source code:Included
Download count:732
Version history:2017-05-20: Added to site
Archive contents:
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
     6952  2017-05-18 19:46   HighPerformance.hpprgm
     7867  2017-05-18 21:16   HighPerformance.html
     2507  2017-05-18 19:47   HighPerformance.txt
---------                     -------
    17326                     3 files
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